Chapter 8: Scilla

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| Wei Wuxian POV |

We stayed inside the temple a little longer until we decided to go follow them. "Let's go." I said as I grabbed Nie Huaisang's arm.

Then we heard a voice, "Don't move." We stopped and slowly looked back. We started to walk again till it said, "Don't move again."

Nie Huaisang stuttered, "Why would she appear again?"

"You fools rushed into the Tiannu Temple." it sounded. "What punishment do you think you deserve." Nie Huaisang begged for mercy. "Wei Wuxian, you departed without permission. Do you plead mercy?"

I scoffed and put my sword back into its sheath. "Jiang Cheng, if you don't come out immediately, Lan Zhan will lose his temper." Jiang Cheng then walked out from behind the statue. I walked towards him and put an arm around him, "What are you doing here?"

"If you can be here, why can't I? I am upset about my journey here because of you."

"I just followed Lan Zhan here." I said as I looked to Lan Wangji.

"I don't know what you're going to do, but you've seen how dangerous it is. This time Lady Wen... how long has the whistle stopped."

"Lady Wen? Where is she now? Why did you come together?"

"She's the one that told me you were in danger and brought me to you. We need to go."

Jiang Cheng guided us to Wen Qing.

"It's the dire owl again." Nie Huaisang said. "Is Wen Chao nearby? Why on Earth does he want to kill us?"

Wen Qing then sighed. "Jiang Cheng, didn't I tell you to save them and then leave?"

"Lady Wen." I began. "Why are you here? Is Wen (Y/N) here too?" Wen Qing stayed silent.

Nie Huaisang then panicked, "They're moving again." He hid behind Jiang Cheng as we looked over.

Lan Wangji set a spell that made the puppets stop. "You should leave now." Wen Qing said as she turned around.

"Let's go together." I said.

"I can't." She looked back at the zombies.

"You know how to save them?" Lan Wangji asked

Nie Huaisang then said, "Doesn't the spiritual fairy extract people's spiritual cognition? Can they be saved?"

Wen Qing then looked down. I grabbed her wrist and made her turn to look at me. "We're all stuck in this. If we want to get out, we must work together. If you know how to turn them back, I hope you can tell me now."

"Okay, I'll tell you." Wen Qing said. "They're not manipulated well. Wen Chao only borrowed the power of the Yin Iron sealed in The Dire Owl by Wen Ruohan. If you want to help them, kill the Dire Owl first."

I smirked. "You should've told us earlier." I then set a net around Jiang Cheng, Wen Qing, and Nie Huaisang before going out with Lan Wangji to kill the Dire Owl. "Jiang Cheng you can protect them well. Take care of them."

"You-" Jiang Cheng started.

"Ey, if it doesn't last long add a layer of protection." I looked as Lan Wangji set off. "I wanted to kill that owl for a long time. Just wait until we get back."

I went to catch up with Lan Wangji as we followed it into the forest. We stopped in the middle of the forest trying to locate the Dire Owl. Thick fog started coming in.

Soon enough, I couldn't see Lang Wangji. "Lan Zhan, where are you?" I heard no response. "Lan Zhan!" I started moving backwards until I bumped against Lan Wangji. We looked at each other startled. "Lan Zhan... what's going on?"

The Dire Owl then squawked.

"Listen." Lan Zhan said. The sound of the Dire Owl was heard everywhere around us. "The mist brought hallucinations made by the dire owl."

"Don't worry, I can break it with a glitter talisman." I tried concentrating to make the talisman but it didn't appear

"This hallucination can not only disorient people, but also disturb their minds. We can't concentrate at all right now."

We then started focusing and a chain went to attack Lan Wangji. He used his sword to slash it away. More chains started attacking us. We dodged and defended ourselves from getting caught. Then a chain came and wrapped around my neck. I was dragged and finally my back hit a tree. The chain then started locking me on the tree. I played dead as I heard the Dire Owl coming. I grabbed its neck and Lan Wangji cut the chain around mine.

"Do you think you can outsmart me?" I mocked at the owl. I then threw it to the ground and it laid dead. I lightly kicked the owl. "Did you see who it was?"

"He or she just sent part of their spiritual cognition, but didn't come in person. The villagers' spiritual cognition have returned. Let's go." Lan Wangji said.

We returned to where some of the villagers were, but some of them were missing. We asked one of them and they didn't know where they were. We started walking away to find the others.

| Wen Qing POV |

I led some of the villagers and Nie Huaisang as well as Jiang Cheng to a graveyard where the villagers started kneeling. They had their heads down and the old madam started apologizing. I lifted her up and said, "Madam get up please. Come on." She stood up as I looked around and said, "Get up, everybody." I turned back to the old madam. "Madam, I should say sorry. Please get out of here and go anywhere but Qishan. Don't come back here ever again." The old madam nodded.

"Lady Wen!" I heard. I saw Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji coming through the path.

Wei Wuxian asked his friends, "Why are you here?"

They looked at me. "This is where my clan got buried." I said.

"So that temple..."

"Yes, that was the Wen Clan's ancestral temple. We are a collateral branch of the Wen Clan of Qishan, specializing in medicine." I told them. "We are the last few of our branch."

~ Over at The Wen Clan of Qishan ~

| Y/N POV |

I was spying in on my brother's and father's meetings.

"Father, I could have snatched up Wei Wuxian and his fellows." I was about to go and smack Wen Chao, but then I was in hiding. "But because of Wen Qing's ignorance, she stopped me in secret."

"You fool." My father scolded. "The people in Mt. Dafan are Wen Qing's people. She wouldn't have stopped you if you didn't turn them into puppets. I also asked you to help Xue Yang. Why did you act on your own and stop them?"

"You are right, father. I am sorry."

"Go and get back the Yin Iron. This time you should make no mistake."

"Yes Father." Wen Chao left the room.

I was about to leave the room until he spoke again as I froze in place. "Wen (Y/N)." I didn't reply. "Wen (Y/N), get out of your hiding place before I lock you in your room once more." I sighed knowing there was no getting out of it.

"What?" I looked daggers at him as I stayed standing rather than kneeling down.

"Did you make any friends at the Cloud Recesses?" He said calmly.

"So what if I did? It doesn't concern you."

"Would you like to see them dead? Stall my plans and you'll see what happens."

I winced. "What'd you say? If you are ever inches close to them, I'll come and personally kill you. And don't even think about hurting Wen Qing or Wen Ning. You will regret laying a finger on them."

Without letting him say anything else, I left the room.

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