Day 3

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Clue count
-Goes to UA
-Has met Blasty
-Is in the hero course
-Most likely in 1A

Bakugou POV:

"Ok listen up idiots and Jirou." I said to the bakusquad and Jirou holding up our list of clues that we had got so far.

"What do you mean, and Jirou?" Kamanari dramatically put his hand on this head looking extremely offended.

"She is the only smart one who isn't me that's here." I rolled my eyes at him not really caring if I had hurt his feelings or not.

"Why did you call us here Bakubro?" Kirishima said leaning against the wall crossing his arms into his chest.

"I fucking need help,ok! I have no idea where to start with all this secret admirer stuff..."  I hesitantly admitted, knowing that they were going to tease me that I needed their help.

"Excuse me what was that?" Sero said smirking, Mina giggling in the corner.

"I said I need you guys!"

"Sorry blasty I can't hear you." Mina said through her fits of giggles.

"I. NEED. HELP." I screamed threatening them all with explosions.

"Woah there. Calm down Bakubro, it isn't manly to hurt your friends." Kirishima said smiling widely showing his shark like teeth.

"Fine whatever....only because you said it." I replied muttering the last bit so that nobody could hear me,well nobody but Mina who was smirking idiotically.

"So when do you get these clues again? I have an emo session scheduled with Todoroki,Shoji and Tokoyami." Jirou said pulling down her headphones sitting on my bed.

"OI! Who gave you permission to sit on that bed?And I don't know they come at random times." I shouted regretting letting them into my room.

"Myself." She said now laying down on my bed as if it was her own. Mina,Sero,Kamanari and Kirishima soon followed.

"Ugh whatever." I sat down beside them.

"So do you have any suspects?" Kirishima hesitantly asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course not! Since it isn't guaranteed that they are in 1A there is about forty student that they could be if they are in our year." I replied shoving his hand off of my in irritation.

"Then ask if they are 1A?" Jirou said putting her headphones back in so that she could listen to the edgiest  shit there is.

"Wow, your so smart Jirou. I would have never thought of asking that." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Dude what's with the sarcasm I'm just trying to help." She huffed rolling her eyes back at me.

"Whatever." I said rolling MY eyes back at her again.

"Could you guys stop rolling your eyes at each other." Sero said rolling his eyes at us.

"Hypocrite." Mina said rolling her eyes back at him.

"Ok guys could we stop rolling our eyes and get back to the secret admirer thing?" Kirishima replied,not rolling his eyes surprisingly.

"Ok,have anyone in mind Shitty Hair?" I turned to who I would hate to admit to be my best friend.

"Uh nope,no, uh not at all." He shook his head.

"How about you idiots?"

"I think it's Uraraka." Pikachu lazily said slumped on my bed.

"I bet you it's Midorya." Sero said laying his head on Kamanari's shoulder.

"Oh FUCK no. I hope not. I'll literally kill myself if its him." I spoke my face full of disgust.

"Well I think it's Kirishima." Mina said  everyone stared at her.

"WHAT? Uh I mean,why me..?" Kirishima almost shouted.

"You just seem like the type who would do this." She shrugged as it wasn't a big deal to her.

"Well I can prove it isn't me!" He got up reaching for Bakugo's phone.

"Oi! What the fuck are you doing Shitty Hair?" I tackled him trying to get my phone back.

"For the last time,my hair isn't as different as yours! Also..could you get off of me...." His face turned a bit red as he stared into my eyes.

"I..UH stop looking at me like that!" I said staring at him as my face heated up.

"Ooooh, I need a picture!" Mina quickly got out her phone and took a picture.

"Send that to me!" Kamanari and Sero said laughing at the two boys on the floor.

"Why are you blushing?" Kirishima questioned looking in my eyes.

"Why are YOU blushing?" I responded still blushing a lot.

"Ugh,just kiss already so we can text the admirer person so that I can go be emo already." Jirou rolled her eyes for the hundredth time.

"K-kiss?" Kirishima's face heated up even more.

"Uh...n-no?" I said unsure if I wanted to or not.

"Did blasty just stutter? Who knew he was cable of having emotions..." Kamanari teased smirking tauntingly.

"WHY YOU LITTLE-" I hopped off of Kirishima and began chasing Kamanari.

"I...what just happened?" Kirishima asked looking around the room very confused.

"Don't ask me." Jirou shrugged unbothered.

"Anyways. I can prove that the person isn't me. Look I'll text them.." Kirishima logged on my phone.

"I regret telling you my password."


Heyy :)

Hey bro, I'm Kirishima Bakugo's bro :)

So this isn't Bakugo...shame..

I have his question though

What is it?


I have a dick :)

So your a guy -.-


Weird way of saying it but k

Tell Bakugo I said
Bye for now <3

"Kirishima you idiot! That wasn't my question. It was suppose to be if they were in 1A." I groan. Well at least his question wasn't totally useless.

"You know my name?"  He questioned a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Should I not? I asked confused.

"I feel so honoured." He wiped what I assumed to be a happy tear from his face.

"Mina add guy to the list." Jirou said getting her stuff so that she could leave.

Clue count
-Goes to UA
-Has met Blasty
-Is in the hero course
-Most likely in 1A
-Not Kirishima,Sero,Jirou or Mina.

If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes please,please point them out. :)

Bye for now :>

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