Day 6 - 4:35

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"Your trying to accuse me? That isn't very cool of you bro." Kirishima said nervously sweating.

"I'm just saying..."

"Well..maybe someone else has dyed hair? And the clue said complicated hair that could refer to anything..not just the colour."

"No that's wrong Shitty-hair. I asked the person for their hair colour, that's how I got the clue." Bakugo said bringing up the conversation on his phone to show everyone.

"I-i can't be the only one here with dyed hair!" Kirishima said walking over to Todoroki's desk and 'accidentally' spilling his bag over.

"Is that a letter..?" Sero pointed at a white envelope with a heart in the middle that had just fell out of  Todoroki's bag.

"Hey give that back!" Todoroki tried grabbing it from Kamanari who had picked it up,finally showing some emotion.

"Ooo a love letter~" Kamanari teased waving it around in the air.

"That's private." Todoroki blushed as he watched everyone stare at him. Especially Kirishima who was smirking for some odd reason.

"That letter could have potential evidence."

"We apologise in advance but this must be done." Iida agreed to what Momo was saying and granted permission to  Kamanari to read it aloud.

Dear Bakugo,

I don't know how to tell you this so I'm writing to you not like I'm actually going to give it to you or anything. I love you Bakugo Katsuki. I didn't want to admit it to myself but I can't lie anymore. Ever since the sports festival I've been feeling a different way towards you. It's a warm feeling. A nice one. A feeling that I wish you would share towards me.. So please Bakugo if you feel the same me a sign? Ok..?

From Shoto Todoroki

"This proves that it is Todoroki! That's right..right?" Kamanari questioned still confused.

"Yeah man. He seems most likely. Why don't you just own up already." Kirishima taunted him now that the blame had shifted.

"May I see the letter?" Uraraka asked Kamanari who had no problem with it since it wasn't even his to begin with.

"No your all wrong! See where it says Bakugo Katsuki? The writing doesn't match up. And if you scratch it you'll be able to see that it's...tippex. Underneath it says Midorya Izuku." Uraraka said with her big boi brain.

"Someone is trying to frame me...?" Todoroki looked overwhelmed. Not only did they have to read his love confession out to the entire class he was also being framed?

"Seems like it." Hagakure said putting her hand on his shoulder to comfort him.


"Hmm? Yes Midorya?"

"Do you actually like me?"


"Not the time guys we still need to find out whose behind all of this. Confess to each later." Jirou said.

"Ok guys your all free to go...until 6:30 and then we meet back here. If you don't come I'm gonna assume your don't wanna know what's gonna happen if I think your guilty." Bakugo took a deep breath before threatening his classmates.

"But why?" Mina asked him not really seeing a reason.

"To look for clues that this shitty extra left behind. It'll be easier in pairs. Kirishima your with me." Bakugo opened the door letting the others taste freedom for a short while.

(Damn this is turing into a witch hunt)

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