Day 6 - 6:30

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"Oi where the fuck is Todoroki?" Bakugo looked around the room to see that everyone there was present except for a suspiciously absent Todoroki.

"He is the infirmary apparently he inhaled some kind of substance." Kirishima shrugged it off.

"Yeah me and Kirishima-kun found him earlier..." Midorya added to Kirishima's story.

"When you found him,Todoroki wasn't bleeding in any area right?" Uraraka questioned him to look for any holes in his argument.

"No,he wasn't bleeding in any area."  Kirishima shrugged acting casual.

"No that's wrong! When I went to see him in the infirmary I saw he had a mark on his neck. It looked like it had been bleeding. It was hidden by his hair but you can tell someone or something is to blame. Specifically something with sharp features." Momo interrupted bringing some subtle information into the case.

"Huh? What do you mean something or ....someone?" Tsuyu croaked looking a bit horrified.

"That someone is too blame for Todoroki's incident." Momo finished her statement before shutting up and sitting back down.

"Do you have any proof?" Kirishima stared at Momo annoyed.

"Yes, I actually have a picture." Momo showed her phone to the whole class.

"I-it l-looks like a animal that I know c-could have done this..." Koda spoke trying to examine what he could from the photo.

"That means one us did this?" Ojiro asked and half of the class gasped in shock.

"They must really want to keep this fucking crush on me a secret." Bakugo scoffed hating how planned out this was.

"Eh probably." Kirishima nodded his head agreeing with what Bakugo was saying.

"Anyone else find anything remotely useful?"

"We found a letter that with hand writing that matched. All of the writing has been crossed out except from the part where it says.."

Dear Fatgum,

From RR
I'm writing to tell you

"We found an empty tippex bottle on the boy's floor." Mina beamed Jirou just nodded simply.

"I didn't find anything but we made a list of the rest of the potential suspects. I crossed out Todoroki and all the females in the class." Hagakure waved around the 'floating piece of paper.'

Suspects left


"So far it's linking with the clues. So I think it's safe to finally start going off of them."

"Hey do you know where it says complicated hair?" Uraraka pointed out on the list because apparently it's the only noticable clue on the list

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"Hey do you know where it says complicated hair?" Uraraka pointed out on the list because apparently it's the only noticable clue on the list.

"The hair again?" Jirou rolled her eyes.

"Yes. Could that mean Kamanari? He has yellow hair with a black bolt." Uraraka questioned.

"All of the clues do fit really well with him.." Kirishima added to the fuel.

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