Day 6 - 5:00

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"Who do you think it is Kamanari?" Sero asked him as they walked down the hallway.

"Not me or you that's for sure.." He chuckled a bit nudging Sero's shoulder.

"How come?" Sero curiously raised his eyebrows.

"Well I dont know if I'm reading the signs wrong but you seem to be pretty into someone already.." Kamanari trailed off blushing a bit.

"And who is this person that I like...?" Sero smiled at him wondering if Kamanari actually knew.

"Well I-"

"GUYS WE FOUND SOMTHIN." Mina's voice could be heard from not to far away.

"YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME." Kamanari shrieked mentally wanting to pull his hair out.

"What?" Mina questioned obliviously.

"We were in the middle of something." Kamanari replied looking EXTREMELY annoyed.

"Nobody gives a shit." Jirou stated seeming annoyed as well.

"Sombody has been around Bakugo for way to long." Sero teased shrugging.

"Anyway we found this bottle of tippex in a trash can on the boys floor so we can confirm it's a guy." Mina said showing them the empty bottle.

"So the clues aren't fake? So we might actually be able to use them?" Kamanari scratched his head,still a bit confused.

"Most likely but we can't be to sure." Jirou replied writing things down in a tiny notebook that she pulled out of her bag.

"I still think it's Kirishima." Mina muttered underneath her breath.

"What was that?" Sero eyed her in confusion.

"Oh nothing."


"Hey Bakubro?" Kirishima asked his best friend.

"Yeah?" Bakugo turned around to face him.

"I am gonna go meet up with Midorya he said he found something is that ok with you?"

"Sure not like I care or anything...I wasn't enjoying the company of a Shitty-haired extra anyway." Bakugo huffed back at him before he could be heard muttering to himself.

"God I can't wait to crush this losers head."


"Why don't you just tell him?" Midorya questioned his friend helping him dispose of some of the evidence that he had left behind.

"I can't.. I just can't he'll hate me the class will hate me..." Kirishima replied hints of regret was plastered among his face.

"It'll be Better if you just own up..?" Midorya put a hand on Kirishima's shoulder.

"You think?" Kirishima asked back  looking at the ground.

"Midorya...Kirishima?" A faint figure could be made out before it was revealed to be Todoroki.

"How much did you hear?" Cold sweat ran down Kirishima's forehead.

"You? It's you...?" Todoroki whispered looking a bit sad as well as betrayed.

"Todoroki it isn't what it looks like." Kirishima tried to reassure him but was miserably failing.

"Then what is it huh? Tell me Kirishima!" Todoroki screamed loudly but not loud enough so that someone else could hear.

"I... I'm sorry." Kirishima started to cry  quietly muttering multiple apologies.

"He framed me Midorya! Don't you care...?"

"Of course I care but Kirishima is my friend and I couldn't rat him out!"


"I apologise in advance to both of you but this must be done." Kirishima said before activating his quirk in a single finger sticking it into the back of Todoroki's neck.

"Oh my gosh! We just knocked out Todoroki! What do we do?! We have to hide the body." Midorya said catching an unconscious Todoroki.

"He isn't dead calm it." Kirishima said calmly forgetting to wipe off the tiny specs on blood that was on his finger.

"What time is it?" Kirishima looked around for a clock.

"6:15?" Midorya answered confused to why he need to know until he remembered that they had to meet the others in fifteen minutes.

"Shit. Help me stuff his body in a closet." Kirishima picked up Todoroki's arms.

"Kirishima isn't this going a little bit too far. Plus that'll just make Todoroki a suspect... again."

"Then take him to the infirmary and say he knocked out by some gas or something."


"I'm sorry but I have to keep my secret."

Please let me know if you see any Spelling Mistakes UwU

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