Day 1 & 2

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Day 2
The Bakusquad were chilling in the common room.Kamanari,Sero and Mina were cuddling on the couch occasionally screaming about a funny meme that they found. Kirishima was chilling against a wall with headphones in watching a very annoyed Bakugo pace up and down with a visibly annoyed look on this face.

"Ok bro what is it? You have been pacing like that for the past thirty minutes."Kirishima questioned pulling down his headphones waiting for a response from his best bro and secret crush."

"I got a text from some unknown number yesterday." He quickly replied looking at Kirishima for a quick second before turning away again.

"Is that is?" Sero was quick to question as he sat up leaving him Kamanari and Mina in an uncomfortable,tangled position.

"No! They started saying a bunch of stupid shit."

"Like what?"A curious Mina asked struggling to speak as she tried to pull away from the two boys.

"Like that they liked me alot or some dumb bullshit like that." He muttered finally taking a seat next to his tangled group of friends.

"OooH what's their name? Are they cute? If so I wouldn't mind snatching them up."Kamanari said winking but it came out more like a frustrated blink due to the position he was in.

"Dang what a chaotic bisexual." Mina said pulling her legs from underneath Sero's trying to untangle all of them.

"I wish he would snatch me up." Sero whispered but only Mina could hear him.

"That's the god darn problem! They are a secret admirer.They said they would only tell me who they am if I can figure it out." Bakugou Screeched tapping his feet against the floor.

"How are you supposed to do that?" A no longer silent Kirishima spoke up, acting like he didn't know what was going on.

"Here take a lot at this." Bakugou pulled out his phone showing it to Kirishima.

"Hey I wanna see!" Mina said reaching out for the phone but as he she did she fell off of the couch taking her friends down with her.

"Ow!" They all said in unison rubbing their heads.

"Pfft idiots." Bakugo said laughing at them.

"Holy shit we made him laugh."Sero gasped after stating the obvious.

"We have done the impossible." Kamanari joined in putting a hand over his head acting really dramatically.

"Is that the real Bakugo? Should we call the cops or.." Mina questioned.

All three of them burst out laughing, Kirishima quietly chuckling along. Bakugou rolled his eyes at his very annoying friends.

"Do you guys wanna see the texts or what!"

"We do,we do calm down blasty." Kamanari teased him helping Sero and Mina up at the same time.

"Don't call me that I won't hesitate to blow your face up."

The group rushed over to where Bakugo and Kirishima were.

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