Day 4

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Kirishima POV

"Thank Midorya, I owe you bro!"I walked into Midorya's room and sat on his bed whilst he was at his desk doing homework.

"Oh no problem! I assume it went well?" He questioned smiling.

"Yeah! They don't except me at all. You were a little bit off script though." I said laying down on his bed playing with his things.

"Well atleast you actually got his phone! What would have happened if you didn't?" He turned around in his chair staring at me.

"I didn't think of that." I shrugged as I watch Midorya face palm.

"Of course you didn't." He chuckled and turned his seat continuing to finish his homework.

"Well then how is Todoroki~ doing?" I smirk at Midorya watching him jolt upright.

"I-I Shut-t up!" He turned a deep shade of red.

"I'm sorry Kirishima-kun I didn't mean it. You just caught me by surprise."

"Nah no hard feelings bro.It isn't manly to hold grudges." I got up and patted his back making him squeal a bit.

"Shouldn't you be texting Kacchan or something?" He asked curiously.

"Ohhh right. I knew that." I scoffed pulling my phone out of my pockets.

"You know, even if you didn't do what you did yesterday I don't think they would have suspected you. Your acting completely different." Midorya muttered quickly.

"Had to be sure." I said responding to him.

Heyy Bakugo :)

You again -.-
What do you want?

Welp guess I'll leave then-

No! Wait.

Oh you want your question?

Yes but no..
Could you stay or whatever?

Why? Are you ok?

Yeah! Of course I am you shitty extra.

You know you can talk to me..right?

I had a fight with my mother over the phone yesterday.

You wanna talk about it?

Yeah whatever. Tell anyone and your dead.

Alright :)

"Midorya!" I squealed rolling around on his bed.

"Uh yeah? What is it Kirishima-kun?" He turned to me used to me freaking out about Bakugo.

"He's telling me secrets! Is that a good thing? Shouldn't he be telling me instead cause I'm his best bro?" I question.

I'm his best friend he should be telling me right? Not some random person that he doesn't even know...

"But you are the admirer?" Midorya looked really confused for a second.

"Yeah but he doesn't know that! Why does he trust an admirer and not me.."

"You know Kacchan maybe he just embarrassed. His tough guy image is very important to him." Midorya shrugged this not being a big deal to him.

"Your right, it isn't manly to jump to conclusions. Maybe I'm just overreacting."

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