You're not him

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Plot Description #16: Robot AU

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After the death of his fiance, Xiao is driven into depression. So much so he's had many sleepless nights in his lab, like tonight.

The man had been brainstorming all day for ways to bring back his lover, from drawing up plans to tinkering with some of his incomplete inventions. From exhaustion, the man finally fell asleep at his desk. Only for a loud crash to jolt him from his sleep. He lifts his head from the desk with a groan, plucking a pen from his face. "I hope it's not the generator." The tired man grumbled to himself before standing from his chair. He stretched his arms over his head and straightened his glasses. Xiao grabbed a flashlight before exiting the room. He would simply check the generator in the other room for repairs then retire to bed.

"Why is it so hard to walk?" A voice groaned, making the scientist jump. The man cursed under his breath. The last thing he needed was an intruder. Xiao sucked in a sharp breath and tightened his grip on the flashlight. He stepped cautiously towards the entrance to the room, flashlight held above his head. If they were going to take his life, he was going down fighting.

Another crash erupted from the room and Xiao took this as his chance to barge in. "Where are you?" He bellowed into the room, looking for the culprit. It didn't take long for him to spot the lanky figure in the middle of the room. The scientist instantly tensed up at the sight of the intruder. "What do you want?" He said nervously, although trying his best to stay calm.

The intruder turned it's head at the voice with hands raised, looking straight towards Xiao Zhan and his flashlight. "It may sound weird but I woke up on the floor and was just trying to stand." The man spoke with a cute chuckle. The scientist raised an eyebrow at the peculiar explanation. "Honest. I don't lie." Xiao gave a simple nod and raised the flashlight again. The stranger flinched. "Don't worry." He clicked off the flashlight. "You're safe for now." He turned and pressed a light switch on the wall.

The stranger flinched at the bright lights. His hands flew to his eyes, trying to rub away the irritation. "Could you tell me why you've been sleeping at my lab?" Xiao asked the pale male, who just happened to be naked. The man in question looked up, his right hand still rubbing childlike at his eye. A grin overcame his face when he saw who it was. "Xiao Zhan!" The stranger exclaimed. The scientist had no time to respond before the thin figure engulfed him in a tight hug.

"I missed you, Zhan-ge." The man cooed, pressing his head into the taller man's neck. "Zhan-ge?" Xiao Zhan repeated to himself. He stood there for a second before pushing the naked male away from him. "Zhan-ge. I know we fight but now's not the time." The stranger pouted, trying to get back into Xiao's arms.

The scientist pushed the other male onto the ground. His face had gone red and his breathing heavy. "I told no one to call me that." Xiao said calmly, clutching his fists. "No one!" He shouted and the tears in his eyes finally fell. He choked out a sob as he stared at the naked man on the floor. A replica of his dead lover. "Xiao, you've never been like this." The pale man commented, tears flowing down his cheeks as well. He crawled to the angry man standing above him. "What's wrong, my love? I want to help. I'll do anything." He pleaded, his glossy eyes staring up at the pained scientist. Xiao scoffed and wiped at his tears, kicking away the man's body. "You have nothing I want." He said with a shake of his head.

"You're not him."

where scientist and engineer Xiao Zhan accidentally creates a robot clone of his passed lover.

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