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Plot Description #9: College AU

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Everyone knew Wang as the quiet loner. He never went to parties and was only seen in class or with his best friend Lao Xichen. This was only because he was shy and had trouble opening up to people.

When class was over and he was alone in his dorm, Wang would ditch the books for music. Not many knew he could sing and less people knew he could dance. In his small dorm room, he'd let his body move anyway it wanted.

Today was no different. After classes, Wang rushed to change into a loose shirt and jogging pants. He wanted to try a different song today though. He normally dances to the same five songs because he's so familiar with them, but he just heard a new song and he has to dance to it.

He pulled out his phone and went to the song in question. He stood there for a second, vibing to the beat. Before he knew it, he was dancing all over the small room. He even got down on the floor at some point. He was just in the middle of learning how to make his ass jiggle when a voice spoke out. "Um. You ran out of class so fast that you forgot your homework and I-"

Wang stood up quickly and brushed off his clothes. After pausing the song, he walked up to the nervous man in the doorway. He snatched the papers from his hands.

"Thanks." He mumbled, going to close the door. "W-Wait!" The boy stuttered out, throwing his hands out in front him so that the door wouldn't close. Wang looked hesitant but still kept the door open. "What?" He responded calmly. He didn't understand. Wang hadn't known him so it was no reason for him to still be here.

The man's cheeks turned red. "I didn't know you could dance like that." He had turned his head down slightly, rubbing at his neck. "And?" Wang questioned. Yes, Wang didn't know this man and could easily close the door on him, but it was something about the man that piqued his interest. The man blushed even more than before.

"I would like to see more."

where Wang is caught shaking his ass in front of Xiao Zhan, who just happens to have a crush on him.

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