I don't need your help

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Plot Description #13: Disabled AU

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"Local painter and photographer, Xiao Zhan, is now paralyzed after surviving a brutal car accident two months ago." The man huffed from his wheelchair, using the remote to change the channel. "It's just my legs, idiots." He grumbled to himself. "Brother, are you talking to the tv again?" His sister called from the kitchen. "No." He lied as he rolled himself into the kitchen. She giggled at the response. "You shouldn't lie to your big sister, especially when she's making you're favorite soup." The woman said from her spot at the stove, earning an eye roll from her brother. "They started it. If they knew what they were talking about, I wouldn't have to correct them."

Yanli shook her head at the younger. "Oh!" The woman randomly exclaimed. Her brother jumped, closing the refrigerator to take his sister's hand. "Is something wrong? Did something burn you?" He asked, inspecting the young woman. Yanli laughed. "No, I just forgot that I invited Ning over."

"Oh." The brother replied, going to raid the refrigerator again. "You should be excited. He said he's bringing a friend." Xiao closed the refrigerator and looked to his sister with a raised eyebrow. "Someone's coming to my house?" He questioned, taking a sip of the soda in his hands. Yanli nodded with a bright smile. "I've seen him. He's very handsome." Xiao scoffed, heading back into the living room.

"You know I despise strangers, Yanli." The brother grumbled just loud enough for his sister to hear. The woman sighed. "I know, Xiao, but he's a nurse. He can help you." Xiao snarled at the sound of that word. "I don't need help!" He exclaimed. "Brother. Cheng is leaving for the states and I have a child to raise. It is only fair-" Yanli began but was interrupted by the doorbell. She sighed before heading towards the front door. Yanli twisted the door handle with a pressed smile on her face.

"Welcome." She grinned at the two visitors. "Brother Xiao is in the living room." Ning nodded, beginning down the familiar hallway. His friend followed suit. Xiao looked to the doorway at the sound of voices. When Ning walked through it, he spared the younger man a nod. The younger smiled, rushing to give Xiao a hug. The older man laughed while hugging him back.

"How has brother Xiao been?" Ning asked after pulling away. He graciously took a seat on the couch. "Well." Xiao replied simply, glaring at the thin stranger that walked in. Ning followed his eyes. "Oh. This is Wang." The oblivious man introduced with a smile. "He's a fellow nursing student." Wang nodded at the statement. Xiao still eyed the stranger suspiciously. "Who wants soup!" Yanli cheered as she entered the living room, carrying a tray of said soup in her hands. She set it in front of the three boys on the coffee table.

She approached her brother and gave him a tight hug. "I have to go pick up Rulan from school." She announced before pulling away. "Be good." The older woman smiled before heading out of the house. Xiao sighed at her absence. "And I'll take my soup to go." Ning said, standing from his seat with his bowl. The young boy quickly headed for the door. "I'll bring back the bowl!" He shouted on his way out. The older of the two left shook his head. "Um, may I sit?" The stranger spoke. "I don't care." Xiao grumbled, taking up his soup bowl and spoon.

Wang nodded, cautiously sitting on the couch. Xiao ignored him as he ate until he noticed the other wasn't eating. "I'm sure Yanli made more than enough soup." The older said quietly. Wang smiled at the gesture. "I'm fine. I'll wait until you finish." Xiao rolled his eyes at the statement. "A little soup won't kill me." The younger nodded. "I know. I just want to make sure you're safe."

"Well, don't. I don't need your help."

where Wang, nurse-in-training, is recommended by dear friend Ning to assist paraplegic Xiao Zhan. Too bad Xiao doesn't think he needs it.

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