How did we get here?

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Plot Description #19: Modern Family AU

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The Wang-Xiao family is a unique bunch to say the least. The couple's oldest child is high school heart throb Yuan who's gotten into trouble with his boyfriend many, many times. Next was quiet six year old Zixuan who's homeschooled for his autism. Last but definitely not least was little baby girl, Yanli. The newest edition to the family is just ten months old.

The three often drive their parents, Xiao Zhan and Xiao-Wang Yibo, up a wall. Today was absolutely one of those days.

Between Zixuan's favorite toy breaking and the enormous tantrum he threw, Yanli fussing all afternoon, and Yuan being too busy with his homework to help, the parents were up against a lot. Luckily, Yanli eventually tired herself out and Zhan laid her down for a nap. It took more coercing to get Zixuan to calm down, including cuddles and a expensive trip to the toy store.

When Yuan finished his school work, Zhan thought the family should enjoy the rest of the day at the beach. They deserved it. Zixuan's tantrums usually left the parents beyond exhausted. Yibo agreed, only because Zixuan's eyes sparkled at the proposition of his father teaching him to swim. So here he sat on the multi-colored beach chair. A small, soft grin overcoming his face as he watched his son and husband walk towards the water. He pressed Yanli closer to his chest, making her snuggle into him. Her little sunhat blocked her yawning face.

"Zhan!" The man yelled from his place in the lounge chair. Xiao Zhan turned around at the call, his hand covering his eyes to see his worried husband through the sun. "Don't take Zixuan too far. Something might happen!" Zhan rolled his eyes at the man and turned back around. Zixuan, who was on Zhan's shoulders, waved happily at his father on the beach. Yibo's grin widened to a smile as he waved back at his son.

"Dad. Dad!" Yuan called to his father, running to where the man had been enjoying the shade. Yibo looked up and stifled a sigh. He knew it was going to be trouble. "Me and Jingyi are going for ice cream. I need twenty dollars." Yibo's face scrunched up at expensive suggestion. "Twenty dollars for ice cream?" He repeated, still dumbfounded. The teenager gave a kind smile and nod. "That's what Jingyi said." Yibo released another sigh. Yuan was so cute and naive and that boyfriend of his knew it.

"I'm only giving you ten." He reached into his shorts pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. "Thanks, Dad!" Yuan rushed to take the money from his hand, but Yibo moved it out of his reach. "And don't be late coming back. We should be leaving in an hour." Yuan nodded and waited patiently for his father to place the money in his hand. "Thanks!" The teenager said, pressing a quick kiss on his father's forehead. "Your welcome!" Yibo yelled back to the boy, who had already ran back to where his boyfriend was waiting. The man shook his head and pressed Yanli closer to his chest, deciding to go to sleep himself.

"Hanguang Jun. Wangji." A voice spoke softly, nudging the sleeping man. "Lan Zhan!" The voice shouted, making the other male jump from his slumber. The tired man looked at the other with questioning eyes. "Zhan?" He said with a yawn, looking at said male in front of him.  The other male gave a soft chuckle. "You're Zhan. I'm Wuxian." The man pressed a hand to his forehead. "Are you drunk again?" The still drowsy male slapped the hand away lazily. "Xiao Zhan, what are you talking about?" He yawned again.

Wuxian brushed his fingers across his nose, looking away and standing up from where he had been hovering over the other male. "And they call me the crazy one." He muttered to himself. He had walked back to the table he was having lunch at before his best friend and husband face-planted into his own lunch table.

"You should eat your food." Wuxian told him before taking part in his own meal. Yibo looked down at the bowl of chucky soup and fish, then back at the black robed man across the room. "You, Him. M-My husband and I were on the beach with the kids. How-" Wuxian looked up at the stuttering male, a piece of fish still in his mouth. "Hm?" Yibo sighed. Whoever this man was, he was nearly identical to his idiot husband.

"Where's my family?" Yibo said slowly so the other understood. A confused look overcame Wuxian. "You're family is here: Yuan, Qiren, Xichen, Ning, and me." The other explained with a chuckle, humored at that fact that the man would ask such a question. Especially after all they've been through. "Where would we go?"

Yibo jumped from his slumber, nearly falling out the lounge chair. He panted in attempt to catch his breath. His frantic moving had awoken Yanli and the baby was full on crying. The discombobulated man reached inside the baby's diaper bag to pull out her pacifier. Luckily, she took it graciously and let Yibo rock her back to sleep. The man sighed when she had finally calmed down. That was probably the weirdest dream he's had so far. The man there was dressed like he was from ancient china and looked identical to his husband. It's almost as if...

"Yibo! Yibo!" Zhan shouted, running towards his husband. Zixuan struggled to keep up with his father as the tall man pulled him along. "I heard Yanli." The man panted when he got close enough. "Is everything alright?" Yibo gave a slow nod and small grin. "It's fine. I just startled her." Xiao Zhan nodded, plopping into the empty lounge chair beside him. "Can I hold her?" Yibo nodded, standing to place the baby in his arms. "I just put her back to sleep so be careful." Zhan rolled his eyes, looking at his small daughter. "I'm never letting anything happen to you." He cooed, pressing a small kiss on her tiny hand.

"Dad!" Zixuan called, hugging Yibo's torso. "Swim?" Yibo smiled and crouched down to his son's height. "I can do one better. How about I teach you to surf?" The little boy's smile widened as he nodded frantically. Yibo chuckled at the boy's excitement and lifted him to sit at his shoulders. "To the car we go!" Yibo announced, making airplane noises. The father took off towards the direction of the car, his son's giggles being all the fuel he needs.

He let Zixuan down once at the car. He untied the strings that kept his surfboard tied to the car. Yibo took Zixuan's hand after securing the surfboard under his arm. "Dad?" Yibo looked down towards his son to see another little boy. His eyes widened in shock at how filthy the boy was. He crouched down and pressed his hand to the boy's forehead, pulling back instantly at the temperature. He picked up the boy and took off to where he had left Xiao Zhan.

"Zhan, Zhan! He's hurt. He-" Yibo called once there, but instead of his husband was the man in black robes. "Yuan. You found him." Wuxian smiled, standing to take the child from him. Yibo immediately stepped back. "You! What are you doing with my husband!?" The man tilted his head, holding a confused look on his face. "Dad?" A little boy's voice called. Yibo looked down and Zixuan was in his arms again.

"Zixuan? Thank goodness." The shaken man whispered, hugging the boy even closer to his chest. Zixuan squirmed in his hold and his father let him go. "Sorry, bud. Don't know what's going on with me today." He smiled at his son in apology. Zixuan nodded, pointing to the board. "Surf?" Yibo nodded, taking his son's hand again. The father was halted mid-step when a black robed hand grasped his shoulder.

"Lan Zhan. Wake up."

where Wang is trying to be a good father but his and his husband's past life keeps getting in the way.

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