King of the Six Kingdoms

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Plot Description #14: Magic Fantasy World AU

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There exists six kingdoms, each equipped with a special magic. The nomads in the east practice wind manipulation. Those in the south practice earth manipulation. The north water and the west fire. The last two tribes are the strongest. The one located south west, closest to the fire mages, practice spirit manipulation. It is said the power from just their elder mage can summon a demon capable for the destruction of the world. The other is located north east, very close to the wind mages. They practice manipulation of the mind: the power to control any living object, humans and animals alike.

The six kingdoms managed to keep peace by appointing six rulers. The original six are said to be chosen by mother goddess Astra herself. Things lasted until Rahem, a spirit mage, summoned the goddess of disorder, Dya. It's said he made a deal with the trickster goddess: she kills the divine six and he becomes king. Of course, the goddess held up the deal but with a twist of her own. She set out to kill everyone in the six kingdoms, the divine six would be first and Rahem would be last.

Realizing his mistake, he goes to his closest allies, the fire mages. The elder, as the rest of the mages, despise the spirit mage. However, he knows the six kingdoms have to unite to pacify the destructive goddess. The fire mage elder sends his strongest mage, Nicola, to join Rahem in his quest. The regretful spirit mage travels to the other four kingdoms, desperate for their help. The elders of each kingdom do the same as the first, sending their strongest mage into battle: Ani, water mage; Gai, earth mage; Last, wind mage and; Jun, mind control mage.

Upon knowing the group of heros were after her, she sent peril after peril to halt their quest to her realm. A desert with endless sand storms, an upset sea, and one of the goddess' ghastly beasts were only a few. Each mage worked together to defeat each obstacle until they reached the entrance of Dya's realm at the meeting place of heaven and earth. This is were Dya entrapped the heros in a maze, separating the six mages.

"And this is where we leave off. We'll read more tomorrow." The elder announced, closing the humongous book in his hands. This erupted a loud whine among his audience. "But Wei Jun, we didn't get to the part where ancestor Jun defeats goddess Dya." One of the boy children argued. "Or the part where where the water and earth mages get married." One of the girl children gushed. The elder laughed at the children with a shake of his head. He stood from his chair to return the book to it's original place on a podium in the center of the room.

"Seems like everyone knows the story already," He began. "Maybe we don't need another reading tomorrow." He had placed his finger on his chin, as if he was pondering the suggestion. The group of kids erupted in another set of whines. "No. We like when Elder Jun reads to us." One of the quieter children spoke. The rest of the group silently agreed with the quiet boy.

"Well then, looks like we'll have to finish tomorrow." The elder smiled. The group gave a round of dejected nods and other signs of agreement. "Now, go play before your mothers call you for supper." The children leaped up at the sound of play, each of them scurrying out of the room.
Wei Jun headed over to the window to watch fondly as the children ran around and practiced their magic.

"They're precious." A voice spoke beside the elder, making him jump. Wei Jun looked around the room for the owner of the voice but found none. The elder sighed and continued to lean against the window. "Zhan, I know you're here." A chuckle sounded throughout the room before the man in question appeared. "How did you know?" The younger elder asked, making his way to the older. Wei Jun smiled unconsciously at the familiar voice. "The scent. When the kids left, the room smelled sweeter." The younger blushed, now joining the elder to look at the children. "I've learned how to merge with the air, so much so, I can become it."

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