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Plot Description #18: Punk AU

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Wang grinned at the familiar feeling of the graphic T-shirt on his skin. He had spent all day at his boring 9 to 5 job at the family restaurant. The only thing he wanted to do was relax with a couple of drinks. He gave his hair a second glance, making sure the clamps in his blue bangs were secure. He flashed his mirror image a smirk at the final product before throwing on his leather jacket. It's several spikes matched one of the many black chokers he had on tonight.

He plopped on his bed and grabbed the black doc martins on the floor. He laced them quickly, tucking the edges of the black skinny jeans into the dark boots. He stood, grabbing his phone, wallet and keys and stuffing them in his pockets. After giving his image one last glance, Wang exited the small studio apartment. He nearly ran to mount the lone black motorcycle in the parking lot. A small grin came over his face at the familiar feeling of the throttle underneath his hands.

It didn't take the young boy long to take off down the street. He'd just go down to his favorite bar and start his night from there. He thought to himself as he sat at a red light. The sound of a car horn shifted his attention to the car next to him. The stranger rolled down his car window. "Hey! You look really familiar." The handsome driver called out. Wang ignored the man, pulling off at the change of the light. "Wait!" The stranger increased the speed of the car to match that of Wang's bike. "I just want to talk. Pull over." He spoke when he was close enough.

Wang remained silent, going even faster on his vehicle. The driver only caught up with him again. "It's Wang, right? I've seen you down at the bar a few times." The man on the motorbike immediately slowed down, taken back by the stranger's statement. Sure, he went to the bar often but the least he expected was a stranger to know him so well. The stranger again matched the man's speed, despite the other two annoyed drivers behind them.

"Please pull over so we can talk." The stranger offered, nearly begging the man to conversate with him. He could care less about the frustrated drivers. "Please." Wang rolled his eyes with a sigh before leaning his body to the left. Once he was on the side of the road, he pushed out the kickstand and rested his bike. He huffed and ran a hand through his hair. If this man didn't hurry up, he was sure to miss happy hour.

Wang watched with bored eyes as the stranger's silver buick parked in front of him. From the short glance he paid the man, he could tell the man was handsome. While he expected the stranger to be good looking, he didn't think the man would step from the car in suede shoes and a freshly buttoned shirt. The man jogged to the agitated man on the bike, flashing him a bright smile. The ends of Wang's lips unconsciously perked up, only for his infamous stoic expression to return seconds later.

"Who told you my name?" The younger man started off when the stranger was close enough. The other man gave a short chuckle. His bright smile never left his face. "I asked around." He put his hands in the pockets of his jeans, coming closer to the seated male. "Seems like you go there often." Wang scoffed. "Why does it matter?"

The other man's smile seemed to brighten at the statement. "It matters because," He started, nearly prying the man's hand from the handlebar. He pressed a soft kiss into the pale skin. "I'd like to buy you a drink." The stranger never let go of his hand, stroking softly at the skin with his thumb. Wang's face broke out in a grin at the attention. "I can always go for a drink." The man returned with a smirk. He pulled his hand away from the stranger and kicked at the bike's kickstand. Wang pressed his hands into the throttle, revving the vehicle playfully.

"Only if you can keep up."

where a punk Wang stumbles into Xiao Zhan, a well-established man who finds the blue haired boy beyond attractive.



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