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Plot Description #12: High School AU

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Xiao is the new kid in town. He's just moved here with his new foster family, the Jiangs. Before Mr. Jiang had took him in, it had always just been him and his motorbike. Now he's got A-Cheng and Yanli to keep him company.

With a new town comes a new school, but Xiao isn't worried. He's aced being the new kid by now. His parents just hoped he failed to find trouble, something nearly impossible for the high schooler.

Today is the first day of school. Xiao groaned at the realization. He had spent all yesterday unloading the family's luggage with his little brother and the older was exhausted. He got out of bed with a sigh. He ran a hand through his hair, heading towards the hallway.

He knocked on the bathroom door. "Go away, Xiao!" Cheng shouted from the other side. The older rolled his eyes and knocked again. "Jiang Cheng, stop being selfish and get out." The door opened abruptly to reveal a glaring Cheng. "Piss off." He mumbled before slamming the door.

"Jiang Cheng! Cheng, you asshole, open the door." Xiao beat on the door for a couple more seconds before giving up. He figured it would be easier to skip the bathroom for now. He went back into his room, making sure to slam the door. He marched over to his dresser to take out his uniform.

He hated the dark brown uniform but he'd be in trouble if he didn't wear it. For his parents sake, he shrugged on the blazer and tight slacks. He was buttoning the white undershirt when a knock sounded on the door. "Xiao Zhan, I hope you'd be ready soon. Otherwise, your breakfast would be cold."

A smile grew on the high schooler's face at the familiar voice. "I'll be down soon, Yanli." He replied. "But only if you made my favorite waffles. I can't live without them."

You would think he was exaggerating but the boy was nearly dead without his sister's homemade strawberry waffles.

Yanli giggled from the other side of the door. "You're so silly, little brother. Of course I did. Now hurry up before you're late." Xiao nodded to himself, making quick work of buttoning the shirt. He rushed to grab his phone and laptop before stuffing the two in his bookbag. A knock sounded at the door just as he was going to open it."Zhan! Since I'm an asshole, I'm eating all the waffles."

Xiao groaned at the boy's childish antics. He slung his bookbag over his shoulder and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. "Morning, Zhan." Mr. Jiang greeted the young boy. "Morning." Xiao mumbled, taking his seat next to Yanli at the dining room table.

"I saved some for you. Jiang Cheng wouldn't have left any if I didn't." Yanli smiled, sliding a plate of waffles towards Xiao. Xiao smiled at the gesture. "Thanks, big sister, but Cheng can't help it. He is a pig after all." The mischievous boy smirked to himself. Cheng threw a strawberry at his head. "No more pig than you!"

"Big statement for someone with no proof." The older of the two shot back. Cheng was going to retaliate but Mr. Jiang's strong laughter interrupted him. "Even as juniors and seniors in high school, you two still bicker like children."

"Xiao Zhan started it." Jiang Cheng mumbled under his breath. Xiao threw a strawberry at the boy's head. Xiao smirked at the annoyed boy. "You should eat, pig." The older boy snickered at Cheng's scowl. "Why you-"

"Enough playing!" Ms. Jiang said sternly. "You three should be off to school." Cheng scoffed lightly before standing from the table. "I'll ride with Yanli. Assholes and pigs shouldn't ride together." Xiao went to throw another strawberry at the younger boy but he dodged. He stuck his tongue out mockingly before exiting the kitchen.

Yanli shook her head at the two before standing herself. "I'll finish early today, Mom and Dad. Jiang Cheng gets fussy after their fights." The small woman laughed before following after Cheng. Xiao grabbed a waffle and stuffed it in his mouth. He guzzled down half the syrup before standing himself.

"Ms. Jiang." He bowed towards the older woman. She only rolled his eyes in disgust, sipping on her tea. "Mr. Jiang." Xiao gave the man a brief nod. He then headed towards the front door to grab his keys.

The high schooler nearly ran to his motorcycle once he was outside. Cheng had him running late so he needed to hurry. He started the machine and took off down the street.

When he reached the school parking lot, he parked in the closest spot he saw. He removed his helmet and stuffed it in his bookbag. He was just in the middle of fixing his hair in the side mirror when another motorcycle pulled up next to his.

The stranger took off his helmet and shook his head. The boy's blue hair shook too before landing gently against his pale cheeks. "Um hello?" The mystery boy said, waving a hand in front of Xiao's face. The older boy blinked before clearing his throat. "Yeah. Can I help you?"

The stranger rolled his eyes. "Yes, you can help me. Start by getting out of my spot." Xiao gave a look of confusion. "I didn't know the spots were reserved." The older mumbled. "Well, they are and you're in mine. So if you could please move this," The stranger stressed, gesturing to Xiao's red motorcycle. "Junk machine."

The older glared at the stranger before him. Sure, the boy was cute but no one made fun of his bike. "My bike is not junk. Besides, our bikes fit perfectly in one spot." Xiao shot back. "Are you that selfish to have one spot by yourself?"

The stranger stood with wide eyes. No one has ever talked to him this way. While he was offended at the boy's boldness, he was slightly impressed.

"Normally when people challenge me, I invite them to a drag race. But you're cute," The stranger spoke, coming closer to Xiao. He raised a hand to the older boy's cheek. He leaned in even closer to the boy's ear. "So instead of a race, I'll be riding you tonight." He whispered.

The older boy's cheeks were bright red when the stranger pulled away. The stranger smirked at his reaction. "5 o'clock sharp, here. We're going to my house after school. Don't be late." By this time, the stranger had started to walk away.

Xiao shook his head to break his trance. "Wait! What's your name?" The older boy called towards the retreating figure. The stranger turned back with a grin. "It's Wang."

"New boy."

where Xiao, the new kid, runs into Wang Yibo, one of the most feared at his new high school. Luckily, his good looks get him out of trouble and into Wang's bed.

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