Would you like fries with that?

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Plot Description #17: Mall Worker AU

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Wang sighed at the sight of himself in the employee mirror. The red hat with a giant cartoon burger attached, and matching red and green striped apron was beyond embarrassing. He let out a groan, looking at the time. Six more hours and he could take this stupid thing off. He just hoped no one from school saw him in the meantime.

He headed back into the worker's area, going straight to the cash register. He'd rather not converse with his co-workers. He was here for the paycheck and nothing more. His eyes gazed at the crowd out of boredom. The mall wasn't that full but it was 11 am. He'd give it another hour before things got busy. He was right as his first customer approached at around 12.

The day had gone by smoothly by time 5 o'clock rolled around. The cashier let out a sigh of relief at the time. "I'm going on break." Wang told his manager, snatching the ridiculous hat from his head. He moved from the food stand and went towards one of the others in the mall. He immediately headed over to his favorite place, Jiang's. The lines were short and they made the best boba tea. Wang pulled out his phone once in line, scrolling down weibo. He couldn't help but like some of the recent pictures his crush posted.

He could feel his cheeks redden as he looked at a picture of the dark haired boy. His bottom lip was between his teeth and his eyes looked seductively at the camera. "Heading to work." The caption read. Wang nearly swooned. Handsome and a working man. What more could he ask for?

The sound of someone clearing their throat got the flustered boy's attention. "Would you like to order?" The same voice asked. Wang rushed to pocket his phone. "Um, yes." He stumbled. "I'll have-" Wang started after looking up. The flushed boy managed to get even redder once he saw the owner of the voice. It was Xiao Zhan, his crush.

where Wang, a college student, works at the local mall food court. It just happens that his crush, Xiao Zhan, works at the food court too.

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