A Worthy Headline

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Plot Description #11: Scientist AU

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Upon seeing Xiao Zhan, Wang thought what every other fan of his did. The man was hot to be a scientist. Yes, Wang was here as a reporter and yes, his job was simply to tell the world of the genius' latest invention, but a glance never hurt.

"Wang? Wang." Ning, his camera man and assistant, called out. "Are you okay?" The man in question nodded. "Yeah. I'm just ready for this conference to end." He gave a small, unconvincing smile. Ning nodded nonetheless.

The scientist was on the stage at the moment. He was standing alongside the president of China and other distinguished smart people. The man was beyond bored. He'd much rather be perfecting his latest invention, which was far from finished. He still didn't know why he let the president convince him it was. If he didn't, he wouldn't be standing here wasting his intelligence. Luckily, the large smile on his face hid his true feelings for time being.

"Now to speak on the invention that will change the world, Dr. Xiao Zhan!" The country's president announced, breaking Xiao from his trance. Wang watched as the attractive man walked over to the same podium the president was just using. "Ning, this is it. Take lots of pictures." Wang urged his assistant. The cowardly man nodded as usual.

Dr. Zhan gave a bright small and wave to the audience. He cleared his throat before speaking. "As you've heard, I've patented a new invention. It's intent is to eradicate waste world wide." The man stepped aside from the podium just as an image appeared behind him. "I present to you the Aerodynamic Ecofriendly Sub-particle Modifier!" Xiao smiled proudly, gesturing excitedly to the image on the screen. He cleared his throat seeing the confused crowd.

"SEAM for short." He chuckled awkwardly. The crowd erupted in applause. Wang clapped more at the scientist's nerdy behavior. He found it cute. Dr. Zhan bowed at the crowd before making his way to where he had been standing next to a colleague. The president took his place. "Now is the time for questions." He announced.

Wang rolled his eyes at the many desperate reporters who jumped up and down with their hands raised. "Whatever you do, Ning. Don't let me get as desperate as them." He whispered to the man besides him. Wang sighed at the man's nod. "Let's go before anyone snags our hottie scientist." The young reporter marched to where Dr. Zhan had been standing.

"Excuse me, Dr. Zhan. Can I have a word?"

where renown scientist, Dr. Xiao Zhan, creates another world-saving invention and reporter Yibo gets to write the headline. Just after he uses his reporter skills to make the handsome scientist his.

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