Crazy Rabbit

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Plot Description #6: Killer AU

After losing his parents young, Wang grew accustomed to taking care of only himself. Some say it's selfish but he calls it staying alive. Which he barely manages to do with his part-time delivery job. His salary's just enough to keep the lights on.

On a typical night after work, Wang stuffs himself with pizza and usually falls asleep on the couch from about two slices. Tonight, the tired man trudged through his doorway with a sigh. He threw his keys somewhere beside the door and walked into the living room, pizza box in hand. When Wang finally looks up, he finds a stranger sitting in his living room.

He stepped hesitantly towards the figure on his dingy couch. This catches the stranger's attention and he turns his head in Wang's direction. The stranger smiles widely, happily showing his bunny teeth. Wang gulps and begins to back away but the bloody knife in the stranger's hand stops him cold.

The stranger frowns at the gesture. "I won't hurt you." He announced, his wide smile returning immediately. The frightened look on Wang's face didn't disappear, in fact it grew. The stranger chuckled to himself at his mistake. "Sorry. I haven't introduced myself." He had pocketed the knife and extended his hand.

"I'm Xiao Zhan."

where local cereal killer and escaped psych patient sets his sights on hardworking Wang but not for reasons you think.

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