nineteen | fate

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song of the chapter: nothing breaks like a heart - miley cyrus and mark ronson


Go to work, drive back home. That's been my routine for the whole week. I'm not in the right mindset to go to college. I've missed four days of class up until today.

As I wait for Namjoon and Seokjin in front of their apartment, I try not to think about him. It's been a week and I've not spoken to him, nor he hasn't tried talking to me. Bree often tries to get me to go out with them, but rapidly I decline.

I sigh, glancing at the clock. Namjoon had mentioned for me to come inside but I decided to get some fresh air as I wait for them. Seokjin jogs up to me, hugging me. Namjoon follows him and hugs me after.

"Let's go to the mall!" Seokjin cheers as we get in the car.

I nod.

Namjoon looks at me from the passenger seat, "Dae."

Looking at him I ask, "Yeah?"

"Today we're going to get your mind off things!" Seokjin finishes for him as he drives calmly.

After yesterday's shift had ended, both of them had told me that they'd wanted to go to the mall. They invited me, telling me that they saw how I was behaving and needed to distract myself for a few hours.

"Love you guys." I tell them wholeheartedly.

They both smile responding "love you's" before playing some music from the radio.

"Tell Yoongi that we're on our way to his house." Namjoon tells me.

I do text him.

We're on our way to pick you up.

He responds rapidly with a thumbs up emoji.

Music fills up our ears and we happily sing to the songs that the radio plays as we start driving towards Yoongi's apartment.


"I thought you said that you wouldn't buy to much stuff, Joon." Yoongi tells jokingly to Namjoon as we get out from the third store that we visit.

Namjoon chuckles, "It's not my fault that I saw new clothes in the store."

"Touché." Seokjin says as he also carries some bags with him.

Yoongi and I let them walk in front of us and we stay at the back together.

"How's everything going?" he asks.

I turn to him, confused, "What do you mean?"

Yoongi shrugs, "You've been acting weird these past few days, I don't mean to pry," he begins, "but there's something going on, right?" he asks genuinely.

Sighing, I nod. Yoongi's a nice guy and during our shifts he's been nothing but caring and sweet. I decide to tell him what happened last week at Tiny Stars with Jungkook and why it affects me.

After I tell him everything, he stays silent.

"That's what's been going on." I finish telling him.

Yoongi nods, "He likes you."

My heart starts beating at the words that he says.

Jungkook can't like me.

He's taken.

I furrow my eyebrows, "He can't like me, he has a girlfriend."

"Remember how he reacted when he saw me with you at the restaurant last time?" Yoongi asks me.

"Yeah. He seemed jealous?" I ask him, trying to make sure.

"That's because he was, Dae." the dark haired boy besides me explains.

Before I could even muster another word, Seokjin calls us to follow him and Namjoon into another store. I realize that it's my favorite store where they sell my favorite clothing brand.

"Yoongi, you're going to like this store!" I say to him, taking his hand and dragging him with me.

Yoongi chuckles and follows silently as he checks out the men section.

For the rest of the day I forget every single thing happening around me. I focus on my friends who are always there for me. Thanks to them, I had a great time and could spend a few hours without thinking about him.

But that all changes when as we are heading out, I catch a glimpse at Bree with Jungkook.

I feel a hand curl around my arm, tugging me, "Let's go Dae." Namjoon says as he slightly drags me away from the restaurant window.

They both sit in one of the restaurants, laughing and with smiles adorning their faces. They seem happy. There's nothing more that I can do except leave them alone.

So I accept my fate at this moment. My current fate isn't to be with Jungkook that's Bree's fate. I must accept it.

I nod.

"Yeah, let's go." I say as I follow the boys who pat my shoulders in sign of support. 


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