three | no stranger

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song of the chapter: bitter heart - myra granberg


The chilly air gives me goosebumps as I get out of my car. I set my eyes on our driveway and only see my mother's car. Bree wasn't here yet.

I open the door and instantly, I am greeted by my parents.

"Sweetie!" my dad comes and hugs me tight.

"Hi dad." I tell him, hug him back and walk to the kitchen where my mom is.

"Hi honey, how was your day?" she asks, watching us with a smile in the kitchen.

I grin at her and kiss her cheek before grabbing an apple from the table, "Good. How was yours?"

"It was good! Listen love," she starts setting the table up and I help her, "Bree called to say that she would be coming tonight with her boyfriend."

"Oh, okay." I nod as I set up the plates, taking bites from my apple.

"I unfortunately can't be with you all tonight, today I have a late night shift." Dad explains, and I notice him with his work clothing on. His shifts at the airport are always at night.

Mom hugs him, kissing him, "I'll let you know how everything goes, hun."

He nods with a smile, comes up to me and hugs me.

"Love you both, I'll call you when I get there." He tells us goodbye before closing the door.

Today we are meeting Bree's new man. Nice...

Why didn't she tell me?

I've been very cautious with every boyfriend of Bree's. See, Bree has a specific type of men: tall, quiet and womanizers. Every single one of them have been the same, and I have a feeling this relationship will be the same as all her others.

As I finish setting up everything with my mom, I take my backpack. I jog upstairs to my room and place it under my desk. I look at myself in the mirror and decide to place my hair into a ponytail; my hair was a mess as usual.

As I start brushing my hair, I hear the voice of my cousin. You can literally hear her from any distance, that's how loud her voice is. When she screams, it's even worse.

"Aunt Jihno!" she shouts excitedly, "where's Uncle Kangsoo?"

"He's working today, but he wishes he could be here to see you," Mom let's her know, "oh and I guess you are her boyfriend, nice to meet you dear."

Once I'm done fixing my hair, I jog downstairs without looking in front of me. I stop at the end of the stairs and look up.

I hold my breath.

It can't be.

"Dae-Dae!" I hear Bree come to me, but my eyes are glued on him. I block her voice in pure shock. Is he even real?

It can't be him.

I take in his appearance. Two years has done so much to him. His hair is longer, it reaches his cheekbones. His facial features aren't of a teen anymore, he now resembles a man; a man that is a stranger to me. One thing still stays the same; he still wears leather jackets.

"Nice to meet you, miss Kim," he smiles, "my name's Jungkook." the boy who still has a place in my heart; after everything that went down, looks at my direction and gulps.

Just as I try to speak, my cousin hugs me.

"What's wrong, are you oka–"

Bree has her arms around me, slightly shaking me. It's no use. Darkness takes over me and I feel myself plummet to the hard and cold floor.


"Dae just fainted, yes she was just fine before–"

"I don't know, I'm not a doctor!"

My cousin's voice fills my ears and I begin waking up.

It seems like I had this dream where my first boyfriend just waltzed inside my home as Bree's new boyfriend. Only that it wasn't a dream; it was real.

My eyelids begin opening, and I see her speaking on her phone and my mother. Bree paces around my room as my mom sits on the edge of my bed. Instantly, I sit up rapidly, but I get dizzy and plop back down to my bed.

"Oh my goodness, Dae," mom places her hands on my face, tucking my hair under my ears, "what happened honey? Are you okay?"

Bree notices that I woke up. She sighs in relief, hangs up the phone and goes to the other side, where my mother isn't seated.

"Dae, you fainted," she sighs,"I don't know why, but I'm just glad that you are okay." she replies and hugs me lightly.

I try not to show my shock to her from what happened. It's better if she doesn't know my past with her boyfriend.

So I lie.

"I didn't eat lunch before coming here," I smile at her, "that's why I fainted."

Mom scoffs and looks at me, "I've told you countless that you have to eat lunch when you are in college."

I nod and sigh.

"We should go downstairs, you can stay here if you want." Mom says to me as she kisses my forehead.

As much as I would like to stay here, Bree was really excited to have dinner with us. It was important for us to meet her new boyfriend; which so happens to be my first everything, but starting tonight I'm holding on for Bree, tonight...

Tonight I'm acting like we didn't have a past together. He's not the Jungkook I know, he's not my Jungkook anymore; he's Bree's.

 He's not the Jungkook I know, he's not my Jungkook anymore; he's Bree's

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