seventeen | weird

183 9 1

song of the chapter: serendipity - bts


"Class is dismissed." Professor Jun announces as our only class for the day is done.

Instantly, Hana and I get out of our seats. I start compiling all my items into my backpack.

Hana looks at me and smiles, "I really want to eat burgers for lunch today." she lets out.

I turn to her, "Are you suggesting that we eat at Gina's on my day off?" I ask as we start walking out of the classroom.

Hana smiles, nodding before linking our arms together. Just as we continue our walk, a pair of arms are placed around our shoulders. Taehyung pokes my side, making me chuckle.

Jimin's voice is heard, "Did anyone say burgers?" he asks.

Hana giggles, "You want to join us, Chim?" she asks.

Jimin winks at her and nods, "Yeah."

"What about you, Tae?" I ask him.

"Taking an extra class in a few minutes so I can't go, sorry." Taehyung who has been by my side, explains.

I pout, "Don't worry. I'll order a bacon burger to-go for you." I tell him.

He hugs me, "You're the best, Dae." he smiles.

"Dae, where's Jungkook?" Hana asks me.

I shrug, "I have no idea."

He's been absent since yesterday. No sign of him today as well.

He never misses class unless something happens.

Jimin furrows his eyebrows, "That's weird."

The three of us stand by the entrance of the campus, with Taehyung.

Jimin hugs Taehyung, so does Hana. I wait for them to finish their hug before I do the same.

"I'll bring you the bacon burger as soon as I can. Okay?" I tell him as I pat his back before leaving our hug.

Taehyung nods before holding the straps of his backpack.

"See you later guys." he says as he starts his way back to campus.

"Love you!" The three of us say in chorus, as we always do.

Taehyung smiles, "Love you too!" he disappears through the doors of the campus.

Jimin turns to us and smiles, "We're taking my car today!" he cheers.

"Wait, you have a car?" I ask in awe.

Out of our group, Jimin was the only one left to get a drivers license. Apparently, he's got one now.

"Yeah. Just got my license last week!" He takes out his wallet, showing his license.

Hana chuckles as she sees his picture, "The fact that you're the only person who can still look good in a driver's license picture amazes me."

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