twenty | denial

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song of the chapter: -


After spending the whole day with my friends, I had called Jimin, Hana and Taehyung so we could meet up at a restaurant. It had been nice to spend a whole day with the people who make my days so much better.

It's necessary to do so.

As I turn the key to open the door to my house, I turn to my right and find a motorcycle that I had never seen before, parked on our lawn. Furrowing my eyebrows as I wonder who it could be or if it was a neighbor that had parked it there, I open the door and head inside my house.

The smell of food fills my nostrils. I turn around after closing the door to find my mom laughing as a voice I recognize well, startles me.

My feet carry me to the kitchen where I find my parents laughing with Jungkook. I stand there silently as they stop their laughs to look at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

He slightly smiles before sighing, "I wanted to see you."

"What about Bree?" I ask again.

"She stayed home. Didn't feel too well." He says before turning to my parents.

"It was nice catching up again, Mr and Mrs Kim," He admits before walking up to me, "may I speak with her for a few minutes?" he asks for permission.

"Sure." My dad lets him.

I gulp before he takes us to the front porch. His warm hand takes my arm, sending butterflies through my whole body.

Why did he come here?

What does he want to talk about?

He sits down on one of our stairs but I stay standing up.

"Sit down." he encourages me, patting the space besides his.

I shake my head, resting my body on the pillar.

He sighs, "Dae–"

"There was no need for you to come here, to talk to me." I tell him.

"There was. Listen, what happened at the dance studio was unintentional, I'm sorry," he apologizes, "I just want things to be okay between us, but I keep messing everything up." he admits.

I want things to be okay too. But sometimes it's better this way. Even if my heart hurts whenever I see him.

"Does Bree know you're here?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

Jungkook looks up at me before shaking his head, disagreeing.

"What did you tell her?" I continue to ask.

"That I wanted to be alone and drive around for a while, she just said okay and kept texting someone on her phone," he tells me, "I asked who she texted with but she wouldn't say who it was. Then I left."

She was texting with Jean most definitely.

"You know who she was texting, I told you." I make him remember.

"Dae please don't start, I just came here to make things right between us." He warns.

I scoff, looking at him as he stands up, "Don't start what? I'm telling you the truth. It's you who's in denial about it," I reproach, "we always end up fighting about this, when are you going to believe me?!" I explode, all my anger takes over me as I feel tears start to fall from my eyes.

Jungkook widens his eyes, noticing my tears, "Don't cry, I hate seeing you cry." He says softly as he wipes my tears from my eyes with his thumb.

"I'm trying to protect you, Jungkook. I'm trying to–" I can't continue my train of thought because he pulls me to him, hugging me tightly.

I put my arms around his waist and place my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat speed up per second.

"If you don't believe me then just check for yourself." I tell him in a whisper, tired of all of this; of him not believing me.

Jungkook stays silent, no words come out. He just hugs me, his warmth making me feel secure and safe. I feel his lips touch my head in a light kiss, before his voice fills my eardrums.

"I believe you." But his voice doesn't convince me at all.

After a few seconds of silence, he continues his thoughts, "There's just a part of me that wishes it wasn't true." he admits.

I sigh, "You like her and you want to be with her right?" I ask him, his warmth almost putting me to sleep.

Then, I hear those words come out from his mouth. Those three words shatter my heart into fragments, knowing that he will never be mine again.

"I don't know, but I do know that I still love you."


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