How The Reapers Roam

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                                                                             *Rainn's POV*

I remember the day I was born, after being introduced to my parents the nurses wheeled me off to a room with all the other babies born around the same time as I was, I looked out towards the window where parents can look at the children they just brought into the world, but instead of seeing my parents I saw a young man dressed in a long fully black cloak, it was tattered at the sleeves and the end. He was almost a translucent white with how pale he was. His hair was void black as his cloak , short and one side hanged off in front of his eye. He held a long stick with a crescent shaped blade in one hand, and with the other he waved at me. In response I did the only thing I could at him as a newborn baby , I smiled. That was first ever interaction with my reaper.

I remember years later when I turned 3 I saw him again , when I fell off my playhouse and cracked my head open. He leaned in close to me whispered "names Draven" and vanished as quickly as he appeared. I had stitches in my head for weeks, for as long as I could after that I called him by his name if I ever talked about him.

I remember when I turned five I asked about Draven,  my mom told me not to give him a name, not to refer to him as even a him. She always said "It is death and nothing more". She would beat me if I called it (him) a him or if I even said It's (HIS) name. I learned not to talk about it (HIM) around my parents anymore. When they weren't around however I pretended to have conversations with it (HIM) even though it (HE)  was far far away from me.

I remember years later being given the actual answer. I was eight when school taught us they're purpose and I actually understood it. I was told that everyone had a reaper assigned at birth and other people can't see your reaper, only you can. My teacher explained how all reapers were different just like people, different hair color, skin color, ethnicity's, eye color. The teachers said the reapers would get closer or further from you the closer or further you are from death ,explained how your choices affect how close they got to you and explained the only time you can touch your reaper is when you die.  The teachers also explained how it was shamed upon to talk about, or with your reaper. I remember I started talking to Draven less and less as the years went by.

I remember throughout my life I had a few more run ins with my reaper. When I was 12 I almost got run over by a car on my bike, he was leaning against the ambulance, when I was 15 he was right by my bed when I had a nightmare but the closest he ever got to me was when I was 17. I was at a party at one of the popular kids house. I got pressured into smoking a cigarette and the minute I lit it he appeared a few feet in front of me shaking his head no. I immediately threw it on the ground and walked out. A year later and I still didnt understand why he stopped me, his job was to kill me so why was he stopping me from doing harmful things to my body? it didn't make any sense .

That is, it didn't make any sense until a few weeks later when he disappeared without a trace ...

                                                                     *Draven's POV*

 The day I got my last assignment was a nerve racking one. It was like every other day beforehand , I spent my time hanging around my designated room. When reapers aren't assigned a person, they stay in heaven until they are. Each reaper was designated a room with all the things they ever wanted, they're room was they're own personal heaven you could say. Mine was filled with comic books, shelves upon shelves of them. I had every handheld game you could name off, and a music player filled to the brim with alternative rock music. It was all pretty exciting at first but by now I had warn out all of the materialistic things, read all the books, seen all the games and listened to all the songs. By the time I had reaped 20 souls I knew I wanted the end goal of 100, to be reincarnated. I picked up every assignment I could get my hands on , became known as the youngest reaper to get to 50 and then surpassed it all the way up to 99. I was the best know reaper in the afterlife so I had a pretty good head on my shoulders, I remember I became acustom to the sight of Peter, my so called boss.  Peter not only gave reapers their assignments but he also was the big bosses right hand man. That day he burst into my room "DRAVEN!" the old mans white hair frizzed from the excited expression , his bushy eyebrows up in arches. I was on my chair, reading a comic for the 500th time. I closed it shut and stood in front of the shelf putting it away. I looked into his hands , they were being thrown around with a clipboard clutched to them . "I FINALLY HAVE YOUR LAST ASSIGNMENT" The old man bellowed the obvious. I was stunned , I couldn't remember how long it had been since my last assignment. I took the clipboard from the crazy old man and read the contents. Seemed simple enough, I grabbed my scythe and asked peter to stamp my assignment to which he humbly obliged. Before I left for descent he took me by surprise and  hugged me by the shoulders."I'm so proud of you, Boss has a plan for a party for you when you get back, good luck."

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