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Madara's pov

I'm surprised because Tobirama's not saying anything. He turned his head for a long time and I looked over to see what he was staring at and he was staring at Izuna! "Hey you little shit, are you listening to me?" "Hmmm I don't know why don't you tell me?" and he's back to normal. "I missed your silence asshole." "Well you should of enjoyed it then you're not getting it back." "What the hell are you staring at?" "My fiancé ." He said this and then walked away, probably to Hashirama.

Izuna's pov

I'm kind of tired of of my brother and Tobirama arguing on anything but this time I couldn't hear Tobirama say anything back and look at him to find that he's been staring at me the whole time. I blushed a little and looked away in embarrassment. He said something to Madara and walked away. "Izuna are you blushing?" "What? No, why would I?" "That's not what it looked like though." "Stop it brother." "Fine anyways lets go home." Still though my single days are numbered I have to have fun. "Let's go drink later!" "Alright but let's drink with Hashirama too ok?" "Sure"

Tobirama's pov

What is this feeling? My heart is beating so fast just one look at his blushed face made me like this. I hate Uchihas why am like like this to him? Anyways I have to go check on my stupid brother and see if he's doing actual work. He probably isn't though. I need to go drinking later I want to just relax.

Hashirama's pov

I sighed I really liked to be Hokage but this is tiring. Tobirama is probably coming over by now so I have to work. He'll kill me if I don't. I'm trying to finish quickly so I can spend time with Madara.

*Time skip*

Izuna's pov

"When is Hashirama going to come over I wanna go drinking brother!" "Just wait Izuna he must be busy let's wait for 10 minutes." "Fine." This is so stupid he's the hokage of course he's going to be late, but whatever I'll wait.

Madara's pov

I think Izuna's getting impatient, if that idiot doesn't come over in 2 seconds I'll punch him next time I see him.

Hashirama's pov

I'm running as fast as I can to get to Madara's house. "Brother where are you going?" "Madara wants to drink so I'm going over wanna come?" "Sure I wanted to drink anyway." "Ok but quick I'm already half an hour late!" "Alright I'm coming!"

Tobirama's pov

Finally we reached the house I think my brother forgot to mention that Izuna's there too, so now I'm scared to drink I might say something stupid. I think I'll be fine though I have some tolerance to alcohol.

Izuna's pov

Shit Tobirama's here! I glare daggers at my brother but of course being as clueless as he is he doesn't notice at all. Fine whatever I'm here to enjoy myself. I started drinking and talking to everyone but Tobirama and I mostly avoided talking. Hashirama said that he needed to go since he had a meeting early in the morning and my brother said that he also needed to attend that meeting so Tobirama and I were the only ones left. I was trying to avoid eye contact because I'm a little drunk and I don't know what I'd do.

Tobirama's pov

I think I'm going to die I want to make eye contact but at the same time I don't. I think he's trying to avoid it but this is too awkward. "Do you want me to pour some soju for you?" "Oh no that's fine you're my guest." "I insist Izuna"

Izuna's pov

When he said my name I shivered a little I think the alcohol is getting to my head. "Fine but you have to answer one question." "Ok what's your question?" "Answer truthfully ok?" "I will Izuna." "If you could marry any other Uchiha then would you?" "No I wouldn't, if I had to choose one Uchiha it would be you." My eyes widened I really didn't think that he would choose me out of all of the Uchihas. I didn't notice it before but we were slowly leaning towards each other until our lips touched and then both of us couldn't stop ourselves. Leaning over the table Tobirama leaned over and kissed me deeply and I did it back just as feverishly.

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