After the Meeting

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This chapter has all fluff, I hope you all like this chapter too! I'm really happy with all the support I'm getting, keep voting and commenting!

Madara's pov
I'm glad that the elders don't hate Izuna and that he doesn't hate them either. I think that actually Izuna's their favourite. I'm still flustered over how Hashirama and I kissed. It was so full of fire and I wanna do it again, but we are in a meeting. I look over to Hashirama and see him with a professional face. I sighed inwardly like a lovesick teenager. "He's so hot!" I whispered to no one in particular which was a mistake cause one the elders heard me. "Oh are you talking about Hashirama? We all know you both kissed before the meeting." "W-wait, how?" "You both have bruised lips and both of your hair is messed up." "I- what am I supposed to say?" She just shrugged and walked over to the other elder and Hashirama. I'm so embarrassed right now it's all because of Hashirama. Damn him and his ability to make me like this. I didn't notice Izuna and Tobirama come in but both of them looked really happy. They're probably having biological children. I want to with Hashirama too even though I would never admit it out loud I really do. I would love to be the uncle of Izuna's kids though! I bet they would be super cute, of course because they have Uchiha genes where all our children look adorable. "Madara?" I just jumped like five feet. "Shit, I'm sorry I was just thinking." "It's fine brother, so you think he's hot huh?" Izuna started giggling and my eyes widened. "You heard that!?" "No the grandma told me." "Hey don't disrespect her." "I'm not she is a grandma." "Whatever anyways I heard you wanted kids with Tobirama?" I hit his shoulder just to tease him and he blushed. I cooed at him my brother is so cute! I pinched his cheeks and faked a tear, " my baby brother has grown up." Izuna and I laughed and we didn't notice Hashirama walk over.

Hashirama's pov
        I wonder what they look so happy about so I walked over. "What are you guys so happy about?" Izuna grinned and said, " Hmm I'm sure Madara would love to tell you when we go drinking today but of course you would forget because you have the lowest tolerance of alcohol." "Oh about that I don't I only did it for Madara's attention I have a better tolerance than Tobirama." "I- you fucking idiot. So I took care of you the whole time because you wanted to get my attention?" I laughed he looked so cute with his glaring eyes and cheeks red from anger and the laughing from earlier. I ran back to the elders and Tobirama as I saw Madara get up to punch me probably. I wonder what they were talking about though. As the meeting was coming to an end the elders told Izuna and Tobirama to sign some papers so that they would get the place ready and all we have to do is choose the food and the clothes. Which is amazing we wouldn't have to do anything and it'll look super good.

Izuna's pov
I'm glad this is all done next we have to go shopping which Hashirama and I love and Madara and Tobirama hate. I have a surprise for Tobirama I'm embarrassed that I'm gonna do this but I will. I'm going to wear a dress for him ugh this is gonna be the worst but it's been so long and I'm going to force Madara to get one too for Hashirama. Hah he's in for a ride, my colour is dark blue against my pale colour and Madara's is red which looks super sexy on him so we're gonna get them in those colours. We'll probably go shopping tomorrow or the day after since we're drinking today. Ahh how much I love soju and hot pot. I'll tell Madara to make hotpot with Tobirama while Hashirama and I get the soju and possibly something else. We all get in the car to go to our home because our is cleaner than theirs. I sit in the back with Tobirama as Madara sits in shotgun and Hashirama drives. "I'm happy." I look over to Tobirama with my eyes widened, he's smiling! Aww he's so cute! "I'm happy too!" I kiss his cheek and smile softly and say, "I'm happy that I get to marry you." I giggle and fall asleep on his lap as we go home because I know we won't be able to sleep as soon as we get there.

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