6: "Don't Tell The Boys"

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Y/N's P.O.V.

A small knock on the bedroom door caught my attention and I moved to open it, seeing the blonde woman. I hadn't seen her since Jack and I released the pooka a few hours earlier.

"Can we talk?" She asked, an unreadable expression on her face. I let her in and she sat on the bed as I closed the door.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I was rude and you didn't deserve that. The boys told me what happened."

"It's okay, honestly it went better than I thought it would." I admitted, sitting on the chair by the desk.
"My mother was a cruel woman. She was jealous and rude and she shouldn't have done what she did."

"Don't tell Sam and Dean, but I always wanted girls and when you were born, yeah, I was upset, but I thought I'd at least have a step-daughter. When your mother wanted John to choose between us, it broke him." She looked down at her hands.
"We tried to get custody over you, but we didn't stand a chance against her. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." I shrugged.
"She did a lot of messed up things and I hated her for it for a long time, but then she died. I found John's number in her things and he turned me away because I was just the mistake he made 18 years ago and he couldn't admit he made that mistake to his boys."

"I'm so sorry." Mary shook her head.
"You didn't deserve that, no one deserves that." She looked genuinely sad.

"It's fine. It's just another chapter in my overly depressing life story. I'm used to it by now." I smiled sadly and Mary looked at me.

"I know I'm not your mom, but I'm here if you need to talk. The boys can be a little much at times, I know that, not to mention this life." She sighed.
"You probably don't even want to be near me, but I'm here." She gave me a small smile, before standing up and moving to the door.

"Mary, I-" I stood up and frowned, my eyes stinging with tears.
"Thank you. I really thought, when Dean told me you were back, I thought you'd hate me, because John was right. I was his mistake and-"

"No." Mary interrupted.
"You're not a mistake. You've never been a mistake." She reached out and wiped a tear that slipped down my cheek.
"The only mistake John made was giving up on you." She pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back, letting out a shaky breath.
"Sam and Dean, they won't give up on you. I won't give up on you. You're safe here."


"You and mom spoke?" Dean asked as I took a bottle of water from the fridge and I hummed.
"What did you talk about?"

"I'm not telling you that." I laughed a little and Den pulled a face.
"Rule number one of girl talk, Dean, don't tell the boys."

"Really?" He didn't look convinced and Cas walked in, a small smile on his face.

"How're you feeling?" I looked at him, sitting on the counter, before taking a drink.

"Better, your magic really helped me whilst I was powerless, but I've never seen anything like it." The angel looked at me and I shrugged.

"It's a unique mix between science and magic. I don't have to stress about my spells being stolen or used against me, because I'm the only one who knows them." I tapped my head and took another drink.

"Well, I appreciate it." Cas gave me a small smile and Dean cleared his throat.

"You know what I don't appreciate?" Dean asked and I raised an eyebrow.
"Animals being brought back here and held as secret pets."

"I've already explained to Sam-" Cas began, only to get interrupted by Dean, who moved towards the door.

"Look, I don't care why you thought it was a good idea, just let me know next time and we can deal with it properly." Dean sighed as he left and I shook my head.

"Is he always this grumpy?" I asked and Cas laughed lightly.

"Most of the time, yes." The angel smiled fondly.
"Although, he is very content with hot food and a Scooby Doo."

"Hello." Jack smiled as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Jack." I returned the smile.
"I'm about to make lunch, would you like anything?" His eyes lit up a little at the mention of food and I took that as a yes, sliding off the counter.
"You want anything, Cas?" I offered and the angel politely declined.
"What do you like to eat, Jack?"

"Peanut butter and jelly." The boy smiled adorably and something made me want to protect him. He was just so innocent.

"Then let's make some PB&J."

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