14: "Care To Explain?"

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"You're sure about this?" Dean looked at me and I nodded. We looked at the old cabin, everything completely silent. I looked at Cas, angel blade in hand and a serious look on his face, Dean had his gun and I had a silver knife.
This particular cabin was just outside of town and had been recently bought by the good doctor from the morgue.
"Stay close." Dean ordered as we moved towards it. I adjusted my hold on the knife. I figured we were going for the silent approach, but then Dean kicked the door open. Cas sighed, looking tired of Dean's shit.
A low growling came from inside the cabin, Dean stepping inside.

"At least we got the right place." I muttered. A light flickered on as we stepped inside and three men were waiting, all growling lowly. The doctor and the receptionist were there as well as another man. The receptionist made a move to attack Cas and the fighting began as the doctor moved to get me.

"Silver ring, that was smart." He growled and stepped back as he attempted to claw my stomach. I made a deep cut up his arm, causing him to howl with pain.
"Stupid bitch." He backhanded me with strength I wasn't prepared for and I fell into the wall, hitting my head, before collapsing on the ground. The silver knife slipped from my fingers and I was pulled to my feet by the werewolf.

"Shit." I groaned quietly.

"It's a shame I'm going to have to kill you, you're such a pretty one."
I pressed my hand against his chest and he laughed as I muttered a spell. It was a simple spell, something you could use to warm up cold food, but used against blood... it hurt. A lot.
"What was that supposed to-" His face screwed up in pain and he looked at me in shock.
"What did you do to me?" He threw me back down to the ground and I groaned, taking the knife.
He gasped as a blade went through his chest, crumbling to the floor as Cas stood behind him.

"Y/N, are you alright?" He kneeled next to me and I took deep breaths.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just help me up." I took Cas' hand and he wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me up.

"I'm good. You two go back to the car." Cas helped me outside and into the car, before moving next to me.

"You hit your head, pretty badly, here." He attempted to heal me, but I pushed his hand away.

"I'm just a little dizzy, it'll pass. Thanks." The driver's door opened and Dean got in.

"Let's go. I need a beer and something to eat." He started up the engine and drove away from the cabin.

"Dean, maybe you should drop Y/N and I back at the motel." Cas spoke and I looked at him.

"No, I'm fine. A bump to the head isn't going to stop me going for a drink and food." Cas let out a little huff of breath.

Castiel's P.O.V.

I kept my eyes on Y/N as she moved to the bar, ordering a round of drinks.
I wasn't sure she should be on her feet, but she wouldn't let me heal her and she insisted on coming out.

"What's going on, Cas?" Dean asked, getting my attention.
"You're watching Y/N like a hawk, you don't want her to be on her own and don't think I didn't see you two exchanging whispers in the morgue and the back of baby." I looked down at the table.
"If you two have a thing going on-"

"A thing?" I repeated and Dean laughed a little.

"Yes, Cas. Y'know, when two people like each other, they have a thing. It's not quite a relationship, but it's more than just bedroom activities." Dean explained.

"Dean, I'm not having sexual relations with your sister." I confirmed and Dean pulled a face.
"It's complicated."

"Care to explain?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I saw her memories of her mother. They were violent and traumatic and she's scared that her mother is going to come for her." Dean's look hardened.
"She noticed something when we left the morgue, she feels like she's being watched."

"What are the chances her mom is coming for her now? She could have gone back for her years ago, why now?" Dean questioned.

"Rowena could have said something." I shrugged.
"I don't know, but she is a lot more scared than she is letting on."

"Christ, service in this place is awful." Y/N smiled as she placed the beers on the table, sitting next to Dean.
"What're you two talking about?"

"I was just telling Cas what a good job you did on this case. I didn't suspect the doctor at all." Dean shot her a smile.
"I know I gave you trouble over being reckless, but you did good."

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