34: "What's Happening?"

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I was freaking out.
I was freaking out a lot.

"Y/N, are you alright?" I leaned against the bathroom door, a part of me scared to come out.
Of course I wasn't scared of Cas, I don't think I could ever be scared of my angel.
I had to play this cool, well, at least until I found the right time.

"Yeah, sorry." I unlocked the door and stepped out, back into the hospital room, seeing Cas holding his hand out to me. I took it and we walked out into the hospital car park.
Dean pulled up in the Impala, a stupid grin on his face.

"Aren't you two just the cutest?" He teased and I rolled my eyes as we got into the back of the car. He had a cassette tape in, old rock music playing softly as we drove down the unfamiliar roads, reaching the same cabin that we arrived at just a few days ago. The car door opened and Jack stood there with a smile on his face, a smile that was somehow bigger than Dean's.
"Come on, Cas." Dean pulled the angel inside and I looked at Jack in confusion.

"What's going on?" I asked and he looked nervous all of a sudden.

"It was Dean's idea and Jody, Donna and Alex all wanted to thank you for saving their lives even though you put your own at risk." He took my hands in his.
I had met the three other women back at the hospital.
"Dean said you and Cas were gonna get married once we were at the bunker, so we thought, why wait until we made it back to the bunker?"

"I was gonna talk to Cas about it-"

"We planned you a surprise wedding in Jody's garden." Jack blushed slightly.
"And I don't know much about weddings, but what I do know is someone always walks the bride down the isle. Dean is Cas' best man, so he can't and Sam is preforming the actual ceremony, so he can't either."

"Jack?" I looked at him, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Will you walk me down the isle?" I knew there probably wouldn't be an isle, considering where it was, but I didn't care.
Jack nodded his head, his smile improving my mood completely.
Jack held out his arm and I took it, almost laughing when he led me through to the garden.
Sam and Dean were bickering, so were Claire and Alex.
Jack cleared his throat and all eyes landed on us.
No one was dressed up for the occasion and it made me feel better, considering I was wearing jeans and a hoodie to my own wedding.

"You're okay with this, right?" Cas asked softly once we reached him, Jack moving over to stand by the girls.
I nodded my head and he took my hand.
Sam started saying a bunch of stuff, but I wasn't particularly listening, although I knew I should be.
My mind was pretty occupied.

"Y/N L/N, do you take Castiel to be your husband?" Sam asked, snapping me back into reality. I looked at Cas, who looked slightly worried.

"I do." I gave his hand a squeeze.

"Castiel, do you take Y/N L/N to be your wife?" Sam asked.

"I do." Cas didn't hesitate and Dean handed us the rings, simple gold/silver bands. Cas slipped my ring on my finger and I slipped his on his finger.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, angel and witch doctor..."

"Female Jesus and her feathered friend." Dean added and I rolled my eyes.

"Kiss!" Claire yelled and I laughed a little.

"Oh, yeah. You guys can do that now." Sam smiled awkwardly and I grabbed the angel's crooked tie, pulling him closer and crashing our lips together. Dean groaned loudly, whilst the girls and Jack cheered.
I broke the kiss, looking at Cas, who's cheeks were dusted with pink.

"Right, lets open the booze and get this party started." Dean laughed and Cas wrapped his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed it lightly. Everyone moved over to the table of food and drink, but Cas and I hung back.

"Something's bothering you, you seem distant." Cas looked at me carefully.
"You wanted this, right?"

"Of course I did." I kissed his cheek, smiling at him.
"No more secrets?" I looked at him. It was something we had agreed on in the hospital. No secrets, unless it was a gift or a surprise.

"No more secrets." He repeated and I looked down at the new ring on my finger, before looking up at him and letting out a shaky breath.

"I'm pregnant. The doctor told me this morning." I kept my voice low, not wanting anyone to overhear.

"You're..." Cas looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah." My voice was quiet and I was waiting for him to react.

"We're..." He looked down at my stomach, reaching his hand out and placing it on my stomach, rubbing his thumb over it slightly.
"Y/N, this is amazing." Cas whispered, before kissing me again.

"Alright, we get it, you're married, no need to rub it in our faces." Dean said with a mouthful of pie and Cas moved to stand behind me, placing his hands on my stomach.
"Christ, you're not always going to be this mushy now are you?"

"We're having a baby." Cas spoke and Dean dropped his pie.

"What's happening?" Jack asked, Dean's reaction catching everyone's attention.

"I'm having a baby." I spoke and watched everyone's individual reactions.

"Cas, c'mere." Dean said and Cas stepped towards him, only for Dean to laugh and pull him into a bear hug.

"A baby?" Jack repeated.
"A nephilim baby?"

"Yeah, Jack. You're gonna have a little brother or sister." He got an excited look on his face and a thought crossed my mind.
Charlie is gonna kill me when she finds out she missed this

If you want a happy ending with no character death, I recommend you use this chapter as the false ending

There's another three chapters after this one and they get a little sad, but they're kind of like the epilogue of the story.

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