19: "Nightmare"

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I'm just gonna put wholesome memes at the start of chapters because I have too many of them :)))

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Wake him up and get him to bed." I nudged Sam, looking at Dean who was snoring against the table.
He looked up from his laptop, barely awake himself.
Cas was somewhere, I hadn't seen him in a few hours, Jack and Mary were already in bed.

"Yeah." Sam closed his laptop and stood up, the action itself waking Dean.

"Both of you get to bed. Come on." I smirked as they muttered 'goodnight', before stumbling off to their rooms. I picked up the empty beer bottles, before moving to the kitchen and putting them in the recycling. I cleaned up the kitchen a little, before I was pushed against the tile, a pair of lips roughly connecting with mine.
"Hello to you too, Cas." I muttered against his lips and he continued to kiss me, keeping me pressed up against the wall.

"Have Dean and Sam gone to bed?" He asked quietly and I hummed.
Usually, things started off a little gentler than this, but last night I had stayed up all night researching with Sam and the night before we had a movie night after returning from a hunt, we hadn't spent any time together for almost a week and I promised him we could hang out tonight.

"Yeah, but they could walk in any minute." He kissed me again, his hands on my waist and mine on his shoulders.
I liked this side of Cas, when we were with others he could be kind, as well as sassy and a little bitchy, but when we were alone he was caring and possessive at the same time.
We had been in our secret relationship for almost two months and as much fun it was to sneak around, I wished we could just tell everyone.
Unfortunately, after a week or so of actually being together, Sam has noticed that we had gotten closer and made a joke about how weird it would be if we were together. Their sister and their best friend.

"What are you thinking about?" Cas took my hand in his and pulled me out of the kitchen, towards my bedroom.

"You." I replied honestly.
"Us." I looked down at our connected hands.
"I never thought I'd get to have something like this." Cas brought our hands up and kissed my knuckles, causing me to blush.

"You're tired." He mused and I shook my head, denying the fact.
"You didn't sleep last night and it's late. You need to sleep or you'll get sick."

"I don't wanna sleep, I want to spend time with you." I tried to hide my yawn, but I caught it too late and Cas looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Shut up."
I opened my bedroom door and Cas kissed me again, pushing me towards the bed. We hadn't done anything more than heated make out sessions, but it didn't feel like we had to do more than that.
For such an awkward guy, Castiel was an amazing kisser and when I asked him about it, all he said was 'I learned it from the pizza man' or whatever that meant.

"You need to sleep." He broke the kiss and I groaned a little.

"Fine, but stay with me for a little bit?" He nodded his head and I pulled back the covers, slipping into bed. He kicked his shoes off, laying on top of the covers, reaching forward to play with a strand of my hair. I leaned in and I kissed him softly, his hand on my waist as I pushed myself closer to him.
A quiet thud made us break apart and look towards the door, where Jack was stood with an awkward expression on his face.
"Jack! I- uh- what's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare and you said..." He trailed off and I remembered how upset he got last time. I had told him to come and find me if he had another one.

"Yeah, it's fine." I forced a small smile and sat up. Cas sat up too, an unreadable expression on his face.

"I have to organise some files Sam left for me." He muttered.

"Bye, Cas." He left the room and Jack looked down at the floor.
"Come here, it's okay." I got out of bed and pulled him into a hug, letting him calm down for a few minutes.
"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." He shook his head and I ran my fingers through his messy hair.
"I didn't mean to interrupt you and Cas, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, Jack." I sighed.
"You don't need to apologise for anything."

"You were kissing, do you love him?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out as my cheeks burned.

"I like Cas a lot, but I'm not in love with him, not quite." I managed to say and Jack nodded his head.

"I know Castiel isn't really my father, but my mom wanted him to be. If you two are together and you learn to love each other, does that mean you'll be my new mom?" He looked at me with curious blue eyes and mine shot open.

"Jack- I'm not- I don't know." I sighed.
I was way too tired for this.
"Would you like me to be?" He nodded his head and I took his hand in mine.
"Your mother was a wonderful woman, I could never replace her, you know that, right?"

"I don't want you to replace her. I just want a mother who can be there for me and look after me when I'm scared." He looked down at our connected hands.
"I already have three fathers, and Mary, but Mary is rarely actually around and-"

"And you need a mom you can talk to whenever." He nodded his head.
"I'd love to, Jack, but you can't tell Sam and Dean any of this, okay? If they knew Cas and I are together it would make them uncomfortable."

"Really?" I nodded my head and he hugged me tightly.

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