4: "Do You Believe In Magic?"

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Here." Dean and I were in the mustang outside of the warlock's house. He held a gun out to me and I looked at him seriously.
It was starting to get dark out and the street was completely abandoned, besides the few cars parked up.

"I'm not touching that thing." He sighed and tried to push it into my hand.
"I don't need it."

"This bastard hurt Cas, who is one of the best damn fighters I know. You need it." I rolled my eyes and rubbed my hands together, before holding out my hand. Dean looked confused, but tried to put the gun in my hand anyway. Just before he did, a ball of fire appeared in the palm of my hand and he looked at me with wide eyes.
"You can do that?"

"What part of elemental magic didn't you understand?" I smirked at him.
"I promise you the warlock can't do that."

"You're okay with this, right? You know you could get hurt?" Dean seemed genuinely concerned and I rolled my eyes. It was cute how concerned they were about me, but I could handle myself.

"For my 17th birthday my mother locked me in the basement with a pissed off and very hungry rugaru. This should be easy." Dean laughed a little, thinking I was joking.
"You get the grace, I'll deal with the warlock." We got out of the car and I moved towards the front door, whilst Dean went around the back.
I knocked on the front door, knowing exactly what I was doing.

"Yeah?" A guy who seemed to be in his mid 20s answered the door, looking me up and down instantly.

"Umm, hi. I'm looking for my friend? I tracked his phone to this area, but no one around here has seen him." I hugged myself slightly, wanting to come off as innocent and fragile.
"Messy black hair, blue eyes, dirty trench coat?" I tried and the warlock frowned a little.

"No, sorry." I nodded my head, fake tears coming to my eyes.

"Shit. Sorry, it's just Cas is the sweetest person I've ever known, he's a real angel, you know?" I wiped my eyes.
"He never disappears like this, he's a little clumsy, but I don't know what I'll do if anything has happened to him."

"Hey, it's okay." He seemed a little panicked now.
"Why don't you come in? I'll get you a drink." He let me in and I looked around a little.
"So you and your friend were close?"

"The closest." I had to keep talking, knowing Dean would have a chance to hide if we got too close to him.
"We met a few years ago, he was here researching something for a few of our friends."

"What was he researching?" He led me to the kitchen, opening the fridge and passing me a bottle of water.

"Thanks." I mumbled and Dean appeared in the doorway, behind the warlock, holding up a small glass bottle of glowing angel grace.
I opened the bottle of water and took a sip.
"Do you believe in magic?" I asked, but before he could reply, I raised my hand, cutting off his air supply. He raised his hand to his throat, trying to breathe, but he couldn't.
"You have approximately 2 minutes before you pass out, so we're going to ask you questions and I'm going to let you answer them. If you're lying, I'll let both of your lungs collapse and you'll die slowly and painfully."

"You can do that?" Dean asked, sounding a little cautious as he moved next to me.
I rolled my eyes, no I couldn't do that, but the warlock didn't need to know I couldn't.

"Why did you attack Castiel and why do you need his grace?" I asked the warlock, lowering my hand slightly. He gasped as I let him regain control of his breathing and Dean raised his gun.

"I was going to sell it." The warlock admitted.
"I own a small shop where witches, warlocks, demons, anyone with supernatural abilities can buy ingredients for spells. Angel grace is expensive and rare to find. I didn't want to hurt him, but he tried to attack me."

"Obviously." Dean snapped.
"He's lucky to be alive."

"I didn't want to hurt him, I promise." The warlock whimpered.
"I'm sorry, please don't kill me, I'll give you anything." 

"Close your store down." I said simply.
"Drop all of your contacts and get rid of all your product. If I ask around and find out you're still dealing I'll come and kill you myself." I put my hand on Dean's gun and lowered it.
"I have everything I need to track you, so don't test my patience."

"I'm sorry, I will. I promise."

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