5: "Hello Baby"

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"You did good back there." Dean spoke and I gave him a small smile.
"Just remind me not to piss you off."

"Yeah." I sighed. It was pretty dark out, nearing 11pm and I was exhausted. It had been a long day.
We were on our way to a small town in Kansas, called Lebanon. Apparently they lived in a secret bunker in the forest and I found it a little hard to believe.
Sam and Cas were a little ahead of us in Cas' car, after Dean stopped for gas.

"Sam and I spoke, back at the motel, and there's something you've got to know." Dean said, almost nervously.
"After God and his sister sorted things out, Amara left us a... gift."

"What kind of gift?" I asked, not liking the way he said it.

"He brought our mom back from the dead." The car fell silent.
"I don't know how she's going to react when she meets you, but she doesn't get back from her hunt until tomorrow, so you have some time to adjust." I nodded my head, processing the information. My mother hated Mary Winchester, she was jealous of what she had with John.

"You got your mom back, I'm happy for you." It was true, I was happy for them, but I was also cautious. John didn't want me near him or the boys, how would Mary react? I'd just be a reminder of her husband cheating on her.

"She's with Jack, our- he's a nephilim." I nodded my head.
"Jack is Lucifer's son, but he's a good kid."

"Right, your mother is alive and babysitting Satan's kid." I said slowly.

"Actually, she's helping him learn to hunt. We kind of adopted him after his mom died giving birth to him." Dean rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm sure you two will get along just fine."


"Morning." Dean looked at me as I stumbled into the kitchen.
"Found the directions I left you?" I held up the paper, covering my mouth as I yawned.

"Sorry I fell asleep." I muttered, sitting opposite him and he laughed a little.

"Don't worry about it." Dean shrugged.
"Cas was happy to carry you in last night, he's feeling a lot better thanks to you." I was about to say something when Dean attempted to take a drink of his coffee, but spilt it all down himself. I saw something out of the corner of my eye and stood up.

"I think I've found the source of your bad luck." I said softly, remembering Sam explaining that was what Cas was looking into.
I moved towards the creature, holding my hand out.

"What?" Dean asked and the creature cane close enough for me to scoop it up.

"Hello baby." I laughed a little at the rabbit. Dean looked at me like I was insane as I moved back to the table, stroking his black fur.

"There's nothing there, Y/N." Dean muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"It's a Pooka." I smiled.
"I've never seen one up close before, he's beautiful." I placed him down on the table. Dean still looked confused.
"An Irish fairy that can bring good or bad luck. They take the form of rabbits, cats, dogs, goats and even horses, but when they're old enough they can take human form. He's only a baby, no more than a year old."

"Why can't I see it?" Dean asked and I laughed a little.

"Because he's scared of you." Sam appeared in the doorway, his eyes wide.

"I told you there was a rabbit, Dean!" Sam looked shocked.
"I told you!"

"It's a fairy, Sam." Dean corrected and I picked the rabbit up.
"And it's been causing our bad luck."

"I don't know how he got here, they're not pets. We should let him outside." I picked him up and Sam gave me a small smile.

"This way." Sam let me towards the door at the top of the stairs. Dean followed us and I looked around as we made it outside.

"You really weren't joking about living in the middle of nowhere." I chuckled as a blue car pulled up and I placed the fairy down.
Two people got out of the car and I kept my eyes on the rabbit as it hopped forward.

"You found him!" An excited boy said, running up to the rabbit and picking him up.
"Hi Sam, hi Dean. This is awkward."

"Jack?" Sam asked, struggling to hold back a smile.
"Did you try and keep a rabbit you found as a pet?"

"Umm, Yes? But Cas found out and said it was okay. He told me not to tell Dean though..." Dean crossed his arms over his chest.
"But he escaped and we thought he made it outside."

"Jack, that's not a normal rabbit. It's a fairy and the reason you've all been having such bad luck." I explained, the teenager looking at me in confusion.

"Sorry, who are you?" I turned and looked at Mary Winchester for the first time and her eyes widened.

"Mom, this is Y/N-"

"I know who she is." Mary spoke quietly and my heart raced.
"You look just like your mother."

"Mom, why don't you come inside? We can talk." Dean said and Jack looked confused. Mary went inside, Sam and Dean following as I looked at the boy holding the fairy.

"I don't understand." Jack began.
"Who are you?" I took the rabbit from his arms and placed him back down, staying quiet as we both watched him hop away.

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