35: "Bee?"

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Castiel's P.O.V.

"You've done good, Y/N. Time to get some rest." I moved some of her hair out of her face, before kissing her head and using a small amount of grace to help her sleep. I turned to the sleeping baby nephilim. I smiled at my newborn daughter, before picking her up gently and leaving the room. Y/N would be asleep for quite a while and I knew the baby in my arms had two nervous uncles, an excited older brother and an eccentric aunt to meet.

"Hey." Dean closed his laptop and stood up, a soft smile on his face.
"Cas, she's beautiful." My best friend spoke and I heard the others coming into the library, all of them falling silent when the saw the newborn in my arms.

"How's Y/N?" Charlie asked quietly as they all got closer. I appreciated their quiet times, not wanting to wake the baby.

"Exhausted, she's sleeping now." I smiled as the baby stretched.

"Have you named her?" Sam asked, looking down at the baby with a smile.

"No, I want to wait for Y/N to wake up. We discussed some names, but it doesn't feel right naming her just yet." Y/N had gone into labour early and none of us really knew what to do.
However, when Metatron had forced all the pop culture knowledge into my head years ago, there were several birth scenes imprinted in my memory and I had a vague idea.

"She's so small." Jack whispered, touching her small hands.
"Babies are so fragile."

"Yeah, were gonna have to be careful with this one around." Dean sighed.

"You're gonna have to be more than careful." We all turned to see a weak-looking Y/N in the doorway.

"You should be in bed!" Charlie and Jack rushed to her side and I narrowed my eyes at my wife.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked and she smirked.

"I used a spell to boost my adrenaline, to keep me awake before you tried to force me to sleep. So I passed out for a few seconds, but not long." Dean shook his head.

"You're insane. You've got to let yourself heal. You just gave birth to a nephilim, it takes a special kind of strength to survive that." Dean spoke and Y/N scoffed.

"Yeah, well my healing magic says fuck you." Sam laughed and I looked at Y/N.
"Now I'm awake and not forcing a small child out of me, I wanna see my baby Bee."

"Bee?" I raised an eyebrow and Y/N sat in one of the chairs.

"Yeah, Bee, short for Bailey? I don't know, it's just an idea." Y/N suggested and my heart swelled. How was she so perfect?

"I like it." I smiled, handing her the nephilim and Dean threw his arm over my shoulders.

"Bailey 'Bee' Winchester." Dean spoke and Y/N looked up at us with a smile.

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Y/N, I understand you're trying to look after Bee, but please do it as a person? I'm trying to work." Dean sniffled and I glared at him from my position in the cot.

"Dean, leave her alone, they're so cute." Charlie scolded. Bailey was two moths old now and one of my favourite things to do was look after her as a cat.
She'd giggle at everything I did and I could tell if anything was wrong instantly.
"Your mom wants pictures sending over, she was gonna ask you, but she knows how useless you are with all of this, so she asked me."

"Thanks." Dean deadpanned and Bailey started crying. I jumped out of the cot and turned back into myself, before picking her up.
Dean groaned at the noise and Charlie laughed slightly.

"Aww she knows her auntie Charlie is leaving, doesn't she?" Charlie cooed as I rocked the baby, smiling at her.

"I think she's hungry."
I smiled tiredly.
"I'll call you later, Char." I smiled at my best friend and she nodded her head.

"Bye Y/N, bye, Bee." I left the library and moved into the kitchen, where Cas was already waiting with a bottle of formula.
He must have heard her crying.

"Here." He held his arms out and I handed him our daughter, before kissing his head.
Bailey calmed down almost instantly and I had to admire how good he was with her.
"How are you, Y/N?"

"I'm okay. More okay than I've been in a long time." I replied honestly and Cas nodded.
"I'm gonna go grab a shower."
I headed for the bathroom, clocking the door behind me, before starting it up and getting in as soon as I was undressed.
I let out a sigh, feeling the warm water on my skin. I started washing my hair, before I thought I heard something.

"Hello, Y/N." Cas said softly, before stepping into the shower with me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I thought I'd come and keep you company."

"Hmm..." I smiled up at him.
"Where's Bee?"

"With Jack and Sam." He muttered, before kissing me softly.
"I love you." He whispered against my lips.

"I love you too." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed me harder this time. It was messy and desperate, but I didn't care.
We rarely had time for things like this, between caring for Bee and hunting.
Every second I spent with him was perfect and I knew that there was no way in this life that I could live without him, not anymore.

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