Epilogue: "We've Got Work To Do"

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A short but sweet ending :)

Y/N's P.O.V.

We moved away from Kansas, too many people we cared about died in the bunker and it hurt too much.  We ended up buying a small house in North Dakota, not too far from where Jody, Alex and Claire lived.
We hadn't been back to Lebanon in almost 15 years.

"Mom? Jack and I are taking the werewolf hunt." Bailey spoke, a bottle of water in one hand and a silver knife in the other.
"And Dad wants to see you in the garden."

"Alright." I stood up, giving her a small smile, before kissing her head.
"Stay safe, Bee." Jack came running down the stairs, almost falling over.
"You too, keep each other out of trouble." I warned Jack and he smiled at me.

"Of course. See you soon, mom." Jack kissed my cheek and they left the house. I headed out to see Cas, sat by his bee farm, watching the small animals carefully.

"I want to take a drive." He said suddenly, looking up at me with those blue eyes that were just as bright as the day I met him, over 20 years ago. Neither of us had aged that much, thanks to magic and angel grace, but Jack and Bailey were all grown up. They were as close as siblings could be and, in a way, they reminded me of Sam and Dean.

"Where to?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Home." He said simply and I nodded my head, holding out my hand. He took it and we walked inside, going over to the garage. A lump caught in my throat as Cas uncovered the old Impala, still in the best condition.
Dean would have killed us if we let her waste away, so I kept her clean and ready to go, although we often avoided actually driving her.

"Hey sweetheart." I sighed with a small smile, sliding into the car. Cas got in next to me, a smile on his face.
"Let's go home." I started up the engine and she burst to life, as we began the drive back to Lebanon.
Cas and I took turns driving, both of us horribly singing along to Dean's cassette tapes, making each other laugh, and cry a little at times.
By the time we made it back to the bunker, it was getting dark and I was happy to get out of the car and stretch my legs.
"You got it?" I asked Cas and he held up the key, taking my hand and pulling me over to the door.

"Welcome home, Y/N." Cas opened the door and we walked into the bunker, everything almost completely pitch black. We slowly walked down the steps and found the light switch. My breath got caught in my throat as the lights flickered on, nothing had changed. Cas wrapped his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.
I knew we'd be moving back here soon enough, we couldn't stay in North Dakota forever, people were already starting to notice we hadn't aged.
I walked over to the map table, before picking up an envelope with our names on the front.

Dearest Castiel and Y/N,
I understand why you've left and I'm writing this in hope that you come back one day.
Sam and Dean Winchester were heroes to everyone, which is why it's important that you two, Jack and Bailey continue what they began.
Saving people, hunting things.
The family business.

"God was here?" I looked at Cas then back at the note.
"Why? He's God, couldn't he have just come and found us?"

"No, he's always been... difficult. He wanted us to find the note." Cas smiled a little, before looking around.
Everything was dusty and needed cleaning badly, but even through the thick layers of dust and cobwebs, it was still the same old bunker with the same old books and rooms.
The same memories.

"Well, Cas." I sighed with a small smile.
"We've got work to do."

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