28: "Lets Go And Do Christmas"

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Y/N?" Cas asked and I hummed, looking up from the pie that had just come out of the oven, placing it down carefully.
It was Christmas time. Somehow we had completely skipped over Halloween and Thanksgiving, and if it wasn't for the the one and only Charlie Bradbury, aka my best friend, giving me a call to remind me she was coming for Christmas, I would have completely forgotten.
I hadn't seen Charlie in months, since the last time she visited and I couldn't wait to see her.
"Y/N?" Cas repeated.

"Sorry, I zoned out." I gave him a smile, kissing his cheek, before attempting to move past him to get the next pie that needed to go in the oven.
Hunters didn't really celebrate Christmas, or any holiday really, but Mary has insisted we did Christmas properly this year.
Cas took my wrists and looked down at me.

"Relax. Everything is going to be just fine. Sam and Dean should be back with the tree shortly, Mary and Jack are buying the decorations and everything else is ready. The food is prepared, you just need to cast a spell and warm it up and everything is under control."

"What if something goes wrong, Cas?" I asked quietly.
"This is the first Christmas I've celebrated in years. What if no one likes their gifts, or-"

"Stop stressing." Cas smiled at me, pressing a kiss to my head. I knew he was right.

"I just need to put the pie in the oven." I smiled innocently and Cas sighed.

"You've already baked 4 different types of pie. That one can wait." I pouted, not appreciating being called out on my stress-baking.
I couldn't wait for later, after we had eaten we were doing presents and as nervous as I was, I knew Cas would like his present and so would Jack.
"You should go and get ready. You're covered in flour."

"Yeah, Jack knocked the bag of flour over when we were making cookies." I laughed a little, before hugging Cas, covering his suit in flour.
"Damn, looks like you're gonna have to get changed too."

"Y/N..." Cas did not look amused and I kissed him quick, before taking his hand and pulling him towards my room. He didn't argue as I locked the door behind us. Actually, he did the opposite.
Cas pushed me up against the door and kissed me roughly. I kissed him back for a few seconds and he tried to unbutton my shirt.

"As much as I'd love to continue this, we don't have time." I muttered and he groaned quietly. I slipped passed him and opened my closet, pulling out s pair of jeans and a tee.

"Why did you have them in there?" Cas asked suspiciously as I handed him the clothes. I had taken the jeans from his 'this-belonged-to-me-when-I-was-human' things and I had bought him a dark blue button up.

"Well, Christmas is gonna be all jeans and flannel, so why not join in? Also, Dean offered me $50 if I could get you into something more informal." I smiled innocently, turning back to my closet. I pulled off my flour-covered tee and dropped it into the laundry basket, seconds before I felt Cas' hands on my sides. He kissed my shoulder and then the base of my neck.
My phone rang, but Cas didn't move, besides to kiss up my neck. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, seeing Sam's contact, before answering it.
"Hey, Sammy."

"Hey, where are you guys? We've got the tree- careful Dean!" There was a crash from his end and I winced.

"Sam, help me out here!" I heard Dean faintly say and I stepped away from Cas, who pouted.

"We'll be two minutes." I hung up and dropped my phone on the bed.
"Get changed, Cas. Charlie should be getting here with Jack's present soon." I pulled a tee on, grabbing a flannel to wear over it and within a few minutes we were both dressed and ready.
"Let's go and do Christmas." Cas took my hand and we walked to the library, finding the two boys wrestling with a tree, trying to keep it upright. The tree that was a lot bigger than I was expecting. It was about an inch taller than Sam and I wondered how the Hell they even got it here.

"Wow." I laughed a little.

"If were going Christmas, we're doing Christmas right." Dean grinned as they finally won the battle against the tree.
"Go big or go home, lets just hope mom and Jack get enough lights and decorations."

"You call that a Christmas tree?" Mary laughed slightly, before looking at me.
"Next year, we'll go and get a real tree, bigger than that thing."

"Wha- we got the biggest one there!" Sam defended and Jack gave me a small hug.

"You okay?" I asked quietly and he nodded his head.
My phone buzzed with a text, notifying me Charlie was here.
"Jack, why don't you help them put up the lights and decorations whilst we go and get Charlie?"

"Yeah, come on, kid." Dean gave him a small smile.
Dean, Sam and Mary knew they had to keep Jack distracted as Charlie got here, because she had one of Jack's presents and it wasn't exactly something we could wrap up. They didn't know what it was, only Cas, Charlie and I knew that, but we knew he'd like it.

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