7: "Killer Right Hook"

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Jack's really taken a liking to you, hasn't he?" Sam asked and I looked at him, setting up the next movie, then at the boy curled into my side.
Dean had insisted on a movie night, before he fell asleep almost as soon as the movie started. Mary had gone to bed halfway through the movie and Jack fell asleep against me near the end. It was just Sam, Cas and I left awake, Cas leaving to get me a drink after I said I didn't want to wake Jack.

"Dean was right, he's a good kid." I smiled softly.
"His intentions are so pure it's hard to believe he's the son of Satan."

"His mom was a kind woman, he got that from her. She wanted the best for him, made him videos and left him messages." Sam smiled sadly.
"I can tell he misses her, he's always got a sad look in his eyes, but this afternoon with you, just talking to him and getting to know him, it was the happiest I've seen him in a while."

"Here." Cas appeared by my side, handing me my drink, before covering Jack and I with a blanket.

"Thanks." Jack shifted closer to me, a quiet snore escaping his lips. Cas sat down next to me and Sam took his seat over by Dean as the movie began.
We watched in silence, until about halfway through the movie and Sam started snoring.
"We should get them to bed. They're gonna be sore if we let them sleep like that."

"You get Jack to bed, his room is next to yours." I nodded my head, Cas moving over to the brothers.
I shook the nephilim carefully, moving the blankets off of him and watching as his eyes opened slightly.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Jack mumbled tiredly.

"Come on, time for bed." I helped him up from the couch and barely a second later, the ground shifted beneath me and we were in, what I presumed to be, Jack's bedroom. He dropped into the bed and I left the room, hearing him snoring softly. I made my way back towards the library, where I passed two very tired Winchester boys on their way to bed.

"Night, Y/N." Sam muttered and I didn't bother to reply, Cas following shortly behind them.

"You should get some rest." He spoke and I gave him a small smile.

"I wish I could." I stretched, pushing one of the chairs under the table.
"Thanks to a messed up childhood and a horrible sleep schedule, I get 8 hours sleep and then I'm awake for 2 days, so I might as well find something to keep myself busy with." I sighed.
"You don't sleep, what do you do to keep busy?"

"I clean up, organise files and read. Sometimes I go for a drive or a walk." I nodded my head, considering the options.
"There's also a training area, but it's a little hard to train on your own."

"Well, you're not on your own right now, are you?" I smirked.
"Dean told me you're one of the best fighters he's ever seen, but he hasn't seen me fight."

"I have hundreds of years of angelic training." Cas spoke and I rolled my eyes.

"And I have a killer right hook, let's go and see who wins." The angel walked down multiple corridors and up some stairs and I followed him, reaching a large room with padded floors.
"No angel powers, I actually like being alive."

"No magic." Cas countered and I nodded my head.

"Alright, but don't hold back. If you're gonna throw a punch, make it a good one." I stretched a little and the angel attempted to get me off guard, throwing a punch as I moved to the side.
"You're gonna have to be quicker than that." I smirked and moved to kick him, but he blocked it.

"Maybe you should take your own advice." He sassed and I managed to land a punch on his jaw.
We continued like this for a while, throwing and dodging punches, one of us occasionally getting hit.
I was getting tired after a while and Cas noticed, suggesting we take a break. He let his guard down and I knocked him off his feet, laughing as he looked up at me in shock. He kicked my feet from under me and I landed next to him on my back.

"Shit." I laughed, feeling a little winded. I laid there for a few seconds, just trying to catch my breath.

"Here." Cas held out his hand and I took it.
"You're a good fighter, but you're still human. You should sleep." We left the training area and headed back for the kitchen.

"I don't sleep that much, I've told you." I had a headache, but it was nothing compared to the pain in my ribs.
"I'll probably just take a shower and do some reading." Cas reached up towards my face and I grabbed his wrist, unsure of what he was doing. He took his other hand and held my wrist and I closed my eyes as a soothing feeling passed through me and I knew he had just healed me.
"You didn't have to do that."

"I know." He smiled slightly and it must have been contagious.

"Thanks Cas."

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