16: "I'd Rather Die"

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I pulled against the iron chains that left me powerless, but it was no use. My arms were chained above me and my feet barely touched the floor. My shirt was gone, for whatever reason and the air was cold against my skin.

"I'm glad to see you awake. Now we can talk." My mother smiled and sat opposite me, a big guy -who was more than likely a monster of some sort- stood behind her.

"Who's your friend?" I asked, looking at the big guy.

"Oh, this is Jesse. He's my new vampire friend." Jesse smirked at me and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"He's going to bite you every time I'm not satisfied with an answer."

"Kinky." I spat, too pissed off to be scared.
She seemed to be in a pretty good mood actually, so I had to worry less about her and more about Jesse.

"You've really gotten an attitude over the past few years, haven't you? I blame those boys you've been staying with." She sighed.

"Really?" I asked with a slight laugh.
"Because those boys have been more like family to me in less than a moth than you had in the first 18 years of my life."

"Jesse?" The vampire stepped forward and put his hands on my waist as I squirmed. He chuckled at my futile attempts, before ducking his face into the crook of my neck, before biting into the skin. I screwed my eyes shut, thinking of anything but the leech on my neck. My mind fell onto my throbbing, still very much broken, wrist that was pressed against the old metal.

"Now, can we have a civil conversation?" My mother asked as the vampire backed off and I looked at her with a glare.

"Civil?" I questioned.
"I you wanted a civil conversation you shouldn't have chained me to the fucking ceiling." I spat at her and Jesse looked at her as she nodded her head. He stepped towards me again, but this time instead of biting into my neck, he bit into my arm.
"Why now? Why come for me now? If you wanted to kill me you could have come years ago."

"Well, I was staying with this little coven in Ohio... one that you pissed off. I thought it was amusing actually, until you turned Rowena McLeod against it. She destroyed the coven with the help of a few other witches, I barely made it out." She sighed.
"I'm just avenging those killed on your behalf, but that's not important right now. Let's talk about you."

"Me? When have you ever given a shit about me?" I scoffed.

"Well, not you. Your so called family." She corrected.
"That new family of yours turned you down when you were all alone. They didn't want you when you were a baby and they didn't want you as a teenager, why would they want you now?" My blood dribbled down the vampire's chin and I resisted kicking him where it would hurt. I didn't need my legs tied too.

"Because you made John chose when I was a baby. Of course he was going to chose Mary, who's alive by the way, over you. Mary Winchester is the kindest woman I've ever met." I could see her getting mad.
"I didn't ask them to take me in, they heard I was in trouble and they came to me."

"Mary is alive?" My mother asked darkly.

"Oh, yeah. Alive and kicking ass." I smirked.

"That attitude of yours is going to get you killed." My mother spat at me.

"If you wanted to kill me, you would have done it already, so why am I still alive?" I challenged and she smirked a little.

"I'm glad you asked." Her attitude flipped as she stepped forward.
"You're going to help me with a spell." She lifted my chin.

"I'd rather die." I replied and she tapped my side, just under my ribs and before I could question it, the area began to burn painfully. It got hotter and hotter as seconds passed and it was impossible not to whimper.

"Sweetheart, you're going to die once I'm done with you anyway, besides, it's not you that's going to help me, it's your magic." She tapped my side again and it stopped burning.
I looked at her in confusion and she laughed.
"For such a smart girl, you're unbelievably stupid." She sighed.
"The spell needs more magic than I can obtain naturally and a human heart. I'm going to strip you of your magic and then I'm going to sacrifice you." Tears pooled in my eyes as I tried to pull against the chains once more.
"Enjoy your lunch, Jesse, have your fun, just don't kill her yet. I can't take her magic if she's dead."

Castiel's P.O.V.

"This can't be right, there's nothing here." We all looked at the empty field.

"She has to be here." Jack said quietly and I put my hand on his shoulder.
"The spell-"

"We must have done it wrong." Dean muttered.

"Something's here. It has to be." I looked around, stepping forward.

"Cas, we'll find her." Sam tried and I shook my head.

"You don't understand. I promised her, she was safe. I should have gone with her." I snapped, Sam and Dean looking surprised. I wasn't angry at them or Jack, I was mad at myself for letting this happen. I took another few steps forward, blinking in surprise when a small house appeared.

"Cas?" Dean called.
"Where'd you go?" I looked back at them, then at the house. I stepped towards them and they could see me again.

"It must be a glamour of some sort." I looked at them, then back to where the house was, seeing nothing.
"We're in the right place."

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