Ch. 67: An Emperor's Blessing

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"Well, now you have gotten my blessing for this courtship," as Leo cleated his throat as Eira and I sat on the sofa. "I did wanted to bring your attention, Empress that we have received responses from the families who pledged loyalty to the house this morning."

"How many are coming?" as Eira seemed to held her breath as she held her hand in mine.

"All of them shall be arriving this week," as Leo smiled and she immediately relaxed from the news. "I would say Zander and I did a great job convincing even the most stubborn families to come."

"But they can change their mind once they are here," as she mumbled. "I have to appeal to them. Show them I will not allow the same mistake for this house to fall."

"Of course," as he nodded. "The covens are highly acclaimed across the country, Empress and they have pledged loyalty to this house because of the knowledge your family has in black magic. We just need to figure out how you can show them that the members of their family that join us as your servants will be protected."

"I know," as she sighs, her eyes lost in thought. "I will think of something."

"We will think of something, Trouvaille," as I squeezed her hand, giving her an encouraging smile. "I will help you."

"This might be good, Empress," as Leo spoke.

"What do you mean, Leo?" as she looked at him with curiosity dancing in her white blue eyes.

"Since Taehyung is courting you, why not showcase his worth as your potential partner in front of the covens, the families loyal to you?" as Leo replied. "Taehyung has a skill set in negotiations from his time as an Earl. It could prove useful in a situation like this where we would need them to buy in as you as the head."

"Will that work?" as she thought over the idea.

"It doesn't hurt to try, Trouvaille," as I smiled. "I can convince them from a perspective of your newest servant. Appeal to what I have seen in the aftermath of Alden."

"What happens if they don't listen to you?" as she sounded a bit worried. "You come from the same class as Alden."

"Then we convince them," as I spoke firmly. "Whether through my words or yours, we can overcome this together. We need to be able to rebuild this house and protect you for what is to come."

"Your name weighs heavily, Empress to all the covens," as Leo spoke. "They would not want to see a great lineage of dark magic disappear. It can alter their future generations without the Sylvains guiding them. We will gain their support one way or another."

"I hope you two are right," as she sighs. "We will need servants to fill the home and provide support for the pack. We don't know when Neculai will strike next."

"We will make sure to be ready," as I whispered to her and she gave me a small smile.

"With you next to me, I know we will be."

We finished up the conversation of what we would plan to do when the families arrive at the end of the week. Leo explained he will get the preparations set up along with Cryssy to make sure the estate is ready to receive the representatives of each family. As he dismissed himself, we made our way towards the dining area to where Jiwoo and Jimin were already having breakfast.

"Morning," as Jiwoo smiled at the two of us as we entered.

"Good morning," as Eira smiled as she made her way to the head of the table. I pulled out her chair for her to take a seat before I took mine to the left of her. Jimin gave a quiet morning as he focused on reading a document in his hand while slowly sipping the hot tea in his hand.

"Sorry if you two had to wait long," as Eira apologized as Cryssy came out with our dishes. "Leo was running something by me regarding a meeting I had at the end of this week."

"Yes, he informed me that you were meeting with the head families," as Jimin spoke up, carefully placing the document on the table. "Finally decided to contract more servants for the house?"

"I hope so," as Eira gave a small smile. "It won't be easy since many of the covens have very stubborn representatives within this generation."

"Covens?" as Jiwoo looked at Eira in confusion.

"Humans who can conduct black magic," as Eira explained. "Witches and warlocks. They were the first humans my family had made contact with. Taught them black magic."

"Ah I see," as Jiwoo nodded, taking a sip of her tea. I noticed her eyes wandered to the necklace hung around Eira's neck.

"Eira, that is a beautiful necklace," as she placed her teacup down, inching forward in her seat as she takes the butterfly within her fingertips. "Where did you get it?"

"Taehyung gifted to me this morning," as Eira blushed. It was then I saw Jiwoo don the biggest smile on her face as she lets go of the necklace and looked towards me.

"You didn't hesitate to wait at all, Taehyung," as she teased and I could feel the blush on my cheeks.

"Wait on what?" as Jimin sounded confused on the whole interaction.

"Love, Taehyung has finally decided to start courting Eira," as she looked over at Jimin with a huge smile and Jimin's face was in a state of surprise. "The necklace was his gift to her."

Soon, his silver gaze locked on me, an expression unreadable as I felt myself swallow the imaginary lump in my throat.

I may have gain favor of Leo supporting this and a high possibility that Nero would too...

But Jiwoo did say....

The heads of the other houses are just as important.

Jimin is Emperor and head of the Park Household...

If I am not considered a good match for Eira in his eyes, then it would prove very difficult for us to wed, especially if he won't acknowledge it.

"You do know how this courtship works with us high purebloods correct?" as he asked me with a stoic expression.

"I do," as I sat up straight, matching his tone. "I know I can be a valuable partner for Eira and the Sylvain house."

"Indeed you can be," as Jimin spoke. "But, you must understand, you are coming from one of the second lowest class of our kind. What worth can a tainted servant be as a partner for a head pureblood?"

"A valuable asset," as I refuted back. "Being in the contract I am able to better monitor her mental and emotional state. I am in the perfect position to make sure she is able to lead the house in a clearer state of mind. Also, being have been part of the high class social circle as a human being, I am able to advise her in difficult meetings to lead her house. Much like the meeting coming up with the human families that pledged loyalties to her family."

"Hmph," as he smirked, picking up his teacup as he takes a sip. "If this is what you have to offer for this house, then I acknowledge the courtship."

"You do?" as Eira spoke up for the first time in surprise.

"If a man is willing to do so much for you, Eira, to even be as bold to refute the leader of our people, why not?" as he shrugged his shoulders. "He is a much better candidate for you than anyone could ever be."

"This was unexpected," as I looked at him with shock and Jiwoo couldn't help but laugh at my reaction.

"Jimin is an intelligent man when he recognizes a good thing," as Jiwoo smiled at him.

"Thanks," as he muttered with a hint of a smile slowly appearing on his lips. "Just don't get used to me supporting you all the time, pet."

"It's Taehyung, Emperor," as I shook my head, smiling in disbelief.

"I know who you are, Taehyung," as he looked at me with his silver gaze. "Just make sure to take care of her."

"Don't worry, I will, Jimin."

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