Ch. 83: One Tainted to Another (2/2)

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"How?" as I whispered, letting go of Silas as I walked up to Darrius as his eyes scanned around the ballroom. He looks back at me with that familiar smile of his as he places his hand on my shoulder as he squeezes it.

"The subconscious is one of the most trickiest things to understand, Taehyung," as he chuckled letting go of me as he makes his way to a table, sitting down. Rita snaps her fingers as the ballroom changes to the study with a tea set in the middle. Darrius reaches forward from his chair as he pours himself a cup as he continues.

"Especially ones of tainted servants and purebloods," as he takes a sip. "But I won't bore you the details or else it would take all evening for me to even scratch the surface. Silas, keep an eye out for me."

"Of course," as Silas nodded, taking a seat on the couch adjacent to Darrius's seat. "You have plenty of time. Mother Nature has allowed this to happen." His yellow and white eye glows for a little bit as he sits quietly with his hands folded onto his lap.

I came up to take the seat next to Darrius as I stared at the both of them as Rita sits quietly next to Silas, pouring herself and me a cup.

"Hmph, I thought I wouldn't have to see you again," as Rita huffed as she hands me a cup, staring daggers at Darrius. "You were an awful visitor the last time we saw each other."

Darrius chuckled into his teacup as he sets his mug down on his knee as his cerulean eyes stared at Rita.

"Barricading you away from Taehyung was necessary. Who knew such a beautiful thing would turn out to be a ferocious beast?" as he spoke to her.

"You were separating a part of him away from me and left him alone with a beast worse than me," as she snorted, drinking her tea. "You didn't explain yourself that it was necessary for his protection. THAT was a dangerous risk to take."

"A risk that needed to happen," as Darrius spoke firmly to her, his cerulean eyes becoming brighter. "You are just another part that makes up his tainted side. An entity that lives in his subconscious that bridges to his human side and his vampiric beast side. A medium between the two, the gatekeeper so to speak. Barricading you was necessary to fix the damage that was being done between him and my daughter's bond. You know how important it was for me to repair it. That side of his was going stronger by the day because of it."

"I know that!" as she snarled, her fangs taut over her lips and her crimson eyes blazing at Darrius. "It still didn't give you the right to cage me like the beast! I am nothing like it."

"But you are just another part of it as well!" as he snapped back and the familiar dense fog entered the room. "Just like it, you will wait for an opportunity to take control. Roam free."

"Can one of you explain what the hell you are talking about?!" as I shouted. The two of them stared back at me in utter silence, both thinking of what to say.

"I don't understand what incidents either of you are referring to and how the hell we are meeting now," as I sounded exasperated, placing the teacup down on the table. "One of you needs to explain."

"He is referring to the procedure Eira went through on her birthday," as Rita calmly spoke, looking at me. "Repairing the bond. While doing so, he planted a safety mechanism, in case something happens after the procedure."

She points over at Darrius who quietly sits in his seat as I looked over at him.

"What is she talking about Darrius?" as I asked him the question. He gives a long sigh and slowly takes off his glasses, rubbing the corners of his eyes. It stayed silent in that room and before he spoke, he places the teacup on the table, turns to look towards me with concerned eyes.

"It's....something I put in place to protect you and my daughter....just in case somehow, you might of lose control over your tainted side, regardless if the bond had been repaired. I had to make sure to somehow protect you both until you both have figured out how to deal with it as you both grow closer."

"Did you expected to me lose control?" as I whispered the question, feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. The goosebumps gave me a feeling of shock and unease to how thoroughly prepared this man was.

And how frightening he could predict something like this to happen....

I lost control somehow without even knowing....

Just how did he know it would happen?

"Yes, I did, Taehyung," as his eyes grew soft and his cerulean color dimmed against the fireplace in the study. "It's because I have learned from experience myself........that no matter how strong the bond can be between us tainted servants and our master.....our base nature as a tainted vampire finds a way to gain control over us. Controlling our bodies to do whatever they want and hurt whomever they want all for the sake of the hunt."

"But how?" as my eyes grew wide at his confession. "Marcellina was powerful and are just as powerful and intelligent. Surely you would have saw this coming."

"I didn't account for everything, Taehyung," as he quietly shook his head with a pained smile as he leaned back into his chair. "You have to remember I was the first of our class. I was bound to make mistakes somewhere.......It was my mistake to think that I of all people wouldn't be swallowed up by that tainted side of ours. My naivety could of cost me to have loss my whole world and I wouldn't have forgiven myself for it."

"What happened Darrius?" as I asked the question and realizing for the first time that I was seeing him in a different light.

No longer am I seeing the Darrius I knew...

Confident....intelligent....firm.....all knowing...

No....I am seeing a man who has seen the worse and the fear that has fueled him to go so far for the people he loves.

"Taehyung, I am going to tell you a little story....a story that only my wife knows a little bit of. The truth of that time," as he looks at me with his cerulean eyes. "The time where I had almost killed my wife and Eira....all because my tainted nature figured out a way to gain control."

Author's Note
Hello lovelies!

Oh my god it's been so long 😅sorry for delays. It's been....a very busy week for me. Life is still pretty hectic but I have been sitting on this chapter for a week and half.

Finally updated so I hope you enjoyed it. Curious to know your thoughts on this. Leave your comments within the chapter.

Updates are still going to be infrequent due to my life not having a set schedule for things quite yet but glad to be back for a little bit ☺️

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