Ch. 70: Alpha & Omega (2/2)

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Apparently the buzz of me fighting the twins electrified the entire town as we found ourselves within a middle of the crowd out by a clearing. All the lycans young and old sat around as they patiently waited for the show to start. I couldn't help but swallow the lump in my throat, more out of nerves.

"Taehyung, you don't have to do this if you don't want to," as Eira whispered, holding onto my arm out of concern. "I know you are capable to protect me."

"But I need to prove to the people important to you that I can," as I turned to her, placing a soft kiss on her cheek as I gently removed her hand from my arm. "At least with the twins. You are important to them as much as you are to me. I want them to trust me enough to protect you. We don't know what the future brings but I want to rest easy in the fact that they trust me with you. I need to do this."

"Okay," as she nods, giving me an encouraging smile. "Just don't get hurt."

"I won't," as I smiled, watching her go back into the crowd as she takes a seat next to Jiwoo. I faced forward as the twins adorn themselves with their war paint and Zander patiently waiting in the middle. To settle my nerves, I focused on breathing, letting my chest rise and fall.

I have fought against Alexander and Alexandria at the Park estate.....

Two against was difficult but manageable.

One person who focused on close combat while the other focused on long range.

But....I have never faced two lycans at once.

From what I understand, all warrior lycans are bred for close combat...

Spellcasters are meant for long range...

However combining the two, they can do either...

Healers are meant to stay out of the front lines of battle...

I looked over at Xerxes and took a good look of the tattoos adorn on his body. It was then I noticed the intricate lines of white and blue coursing throughout his body in a similar fashion to Nero's.

But Xerxes showcases the tattoos of a warrior....

He is meant to be on the front lines as well....

They are walking contradictions of their roles within their pack....

I hope I can manage to get them both to yield...

You could gain your powers from me like before as the familiar voice whispered in my head.

I don't want to rely on you as I huffed.

But I am a part of you as it snickered within my head. A tainted is what you are deep down. Use me like before...

If I do, I could lose myself in that wretched blood thirst as I spoke firmly in my head, flexing out my hands as I watched them finished with the war paint.

I thought you were strong....strong enough to protect master as the voice taunted me.

I am. I don't need you.

You need me.....lycans are strong....stronger than you think....

You just want to get out and take control over me...

Maybe as it's laugh echoed inside my head. But we are the same. I am just a different part of you much like the tainted side of master's. Rely on me and I can help you become stronger. The more you resist, the more your control over me will wane. Harmonize with me will make you stronger.

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