Ch. 87: A Gamble

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*We now returned back into Taehyung's subconscious where Darrius and him continued their conversation*

(Taehyung's POV)
Darrius moves his hand over the scene of him and Marcellina, letting the silence linger in the room between us of what he showed me. I couldn't help but look at the man as he sat there, lost in his own thoughts but his eyes spoke what was going through his mind.

The fear still lingers of what happened to him that day.....

I know the feeling all too well...

The feeling that I wasn't strong enough to prevent what had happened to the person who was the most precious to me...

"Darrius," as I spoke, garnering his attention. His cerulean eyes looked back at me before he broke out to a small smile.

"Sorry, Taehyung," as he shook his head. "This memory of mine....I have kept its intimate details to myself. Marcelina doesn't know the conversation I had with know about us falling victim to that side of us."

"It's okay, I understand how you feel about this memory," as I turned away, looking down as I stared at the palm of my hands. The events that occurred to what I did to Eira flashed through my mind as I closed my eyes, trying to tune it out. "I know it all too well. It's.....overwhelming that my own two hands had inflicted that much damage to her. How did you overcome this guilt? Did you ever figure it out if we can truly overcome and beat that side?"

"I never got over it, Taehyung," as he sighed and I looked up at him as I was shocked that even a man like him never did. "I used that guilt of mine to push through and try to figure out a way....anything that could allow people like us to never hurt our loved ones like that again. Unfortunately, I never did."

"Really?" as I asked in disappointment.

If he couldn't figure it out...what hope do I have to overcome it myself?

"The only thing that overwhelmed and overpowered that side was Marcellina's energy," as he chuckled but his eyes continued to hold that sadness he always held when talking about her. "When she infused her energy into my being, getting me close enough to a pureblood and be alive long enough to find ways to protect our daughter, that was when that side never dared to overwhelm me. It was a method found by chance was I able to overcome that side but at the price of my own wife.  Are you willing to sacrifice Eira for that?"

"No," as I spoke firmly to him. "I rather have her kill me in my crazed state than live alone without her. I am surprised you never found a way."

"Time was not on my side, Taehyung," as he looked at me as his cerulean eyes were getting brighter. "But you have the time I don't have."

"Darrius, I am no researcher or man of science such as yourself," as I looked at him with disbelief. "If a man of your intelligence couldn't figure it out, then what chance do I have?"

"The most impossible odds can be overcome, Taehyung when it comes to protecting the most precious to us," as he stood up, looking at me with the softest smile. "You have my daughter.....the love of your life....your master....mine and Marcellina's world. This life has thrown so many things at you both but both of you have overcame each one. As long as you have each other, I know you will find a way. A way that I couldn't find to overpower that side."

"You have too much faith in me," as I shook my head until I felt his hand on my shoulder that I looked up at him as he kneels at eye level with where he gives me an encouraging smile.

"Faith in the next generation is all we can give as the previous generation," as he spoke. "You carry the heavy mantle that I bore as the second generation of tainted servants. I am sorry that I didn't have the answer you were seeking but I could tell you this. You are stronger than you think. This is just a learning experience for you to go through as much as my daughter had to as your master. Use this experience....Learn from it. Maybe you will be able to find a way that I couldn't."

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