Ch. 20: Revealing the Truth

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(Jiwoo's POV)
We sat in one of the studies that was close to the bar and kitchen. I have always loved this particular spot in her home. You can see the hustle and bustle of servants as well as the men partaking in a drink.

However, it is strange to see how quiet it is....

The Sylvain house was always so lively every time I visited...

It hasn't been since then...

When Jimin and I were engaged after Eira broke it off to be with Alden, a tainted vampire, it was then the Sylvain house was on a path of destruction.

It is not an uncommon thing for a pureblood to be with a tainted. It's the normalcy for lower end pureblood houses but for a highly prestigious house, it was out of the ordinary.

After we married, however, it was then the incident occurred. Just like the multiple times before, Jimin sped off to see her. Her candle indicating what life force of hers was taken. I went with him, wanting to see with my own two eyes what happened.

It was a horrible sight to see. Bodies covered with white sheets and the smell of blood reeked from every corner of the estate. Jimin ran inside as I followed behind him. Leo tried to stop him from entering into her room.

If only Leo was just a tad bit stronger....

There she sat with bandages all over. Her eyes sullen and the life within her eyes vanished. As soon as she saw Jimin standing there, I caught it then but Jimin was too blinded with rage to see it.

She was ashamed....ashamed that Jimin was right....a tainted would never be good for her....

The tainted she loved wouldn't amount to someone she needed.

I watched as the woman Jimin so dearly loved was just a broken entity of her former self, barely listening to the profanities that Jimin was throwing around about her lover.

I tried to calm him down but he was on war path to make the man named Alden feel the pain she felt. In his blinded rage, I believe he accidentally hurt me. All I remember then was myself on the ground and my face stung by the mark of his hand. It was only then did I see just a bit of spark in Eira's eyes as she stood between us, anger coursing through her.

Disappointment and anger is what she used....ashamed at Jimin to act this way and to treat me as such as his wife.

Her words struck  him as he felt ashamed of his actions. In her broken state, she helped me. It was something that man didn't take away from her.

Her ability to empathize and show kindness unto others.

It is why I could never grow jealous of a woman who can be like that,  despite her circumstances being far worse than mine....

Jimin and Eira have been broken down many times over in our world....

I watched, unable to do anything many times over because it would inflict issues for my house.

But since I married into the Park Household, I know I can do something.

If I could provide a reprieve for Jimin to the best of my ability as his wife....

Then, whatever is going on for Eira, I hope to provide that reprieve as a friend.

Leo carefully sets the hot cup of early grey tea in front of me as he pours the rich red wine in front of the others. I continued to watch as Eira politely thanks her head servant but held hesitation as she look towards us. All I could do was give a gentle smile, hoping to ease whatever worries she may have.

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