I Hate You

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"Maybe if you had as many brain cells as you do muscles, you'd be able to complete the simplest task in the world. Without spilling any paint," Taehyung sneers down to his rival, as the raven-haired male cleans up the spilt paint.

"All I'm getting from this is that you like to look at my muscles," Jeongguk cockily snaps back. Purposely flexing his arms, which only accentuates the prominent veins in his hands.

All the boy gets in return is an overdramatic eye roll, "oh please, those are all for you own vanity. Obviously, they don't do much because you can't even carry the lightest tray in the set."

Jeongguk gets up from where was crouching, throwing the paint-covered rag onto the floor, opening his mouth to continue bickering with the person he hates most in the world. Meanwhile, Jimin sits in the back of the classroom, wishing for nothing else than a big pair of fluffy earmuffs to block out their constant insults toward each other. Suddenly the thought of just paying attention in class sounds like the preferable option. Had Jimin known at the time that Jeongguk would also be receiving detention, it would have influenced his actions differently. "At least I'm not a snob, just like the rest of your little art group!" Jeongguk spits.

The blonde scoffs, wishing he could only roll his eyes back far enough to check himself out. "At least I'm not some meathead, whose only personality is dance!" The dance student opens his mouth to throw another insult back at Taehyung when Jimin feels as though his brain has exploded. Sometimes Jimin wishes that the dance club had just gotten extra funding to build a new room, instead of having to take a room from the art students.

When Kim Taehyung, the leader of the art club, heard about how Jeon Jeongguk, the leader of the dance club, had successfully scored an art room for his club, the blonde was livid. Had it not been for Park Jimin, Taehyung probably would have burnt down Jeongguk's whole house. Ever since then, the two couldn't stand each other. As Taehyung kept fighting for his art room back and Jeongguk resisting. Snide remarks and evil eyes are passed continuously through the halls ways. As the deep-rooted rivalry between the two only grows. Even teachers knew to never partner the two up. A Block science room was the only example they needed. Being forced into the same room as the two is utter torture. The exact torture Jimin is experiencing now.

Waves of pure ecstasy wash over Park Jimin at the sound of the 4:30pm bell rings, as a feeling of shackles is released from around his wrists. Taehyung and Jeongguk, whom Jimin isn't even sure if they heard the sound of their freedom, glare at each other. Just as the blonde opens his mouth to shoot more bitter words, his best friend grabs his arm, pulling the boy away from their endless back and forth. "I'll see you at dance practice tomorrow, Jeongguk," Jimin bids tearing the two feuding parties apart from each other.

"I honestly don't know how you can still stand to be around for more than ten seconds, let alone an entire dance practise," Taehyung scoffs. His blood still boiling from having to look at Jeongguk's face.

Jimin feels the need to bash his skull in, "I swear to god, if you mention Jeon one more time, I will personally strangle you." The rest of their walk home is a lot smoother.



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taebear sometimes you just need to be a hoe after a long day

view 236 comments

mochi_cheeks too bad your ego is the size of your ass

worldwidejin jesus is free

taebear @mochi_cheeks shut up short stack

mochi_cheeks @taebear WTF DID YOU JUST CALL ME

urhope how is this the guy @jeonslunch hates? you legit have an ass kink

jeonslunch @urhope i'm attracted to phat asses

taebear @jeonslunch get off my post head ass

mochi_cheeks even on your insta i can't escape your pettiness @taebear

taebear @mochi_cheeks it's all apart of my charm


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jeonslunch i could go for a burrito

view 178 comments

jooncries you could go for a burrito as long as you don't pay

urhope @jooncries that rat still owes me from last week

jooncries @urhope say goodbye to that

jeonslunch @urhope @jooncries fuck both of you

mintmin shut up fetus we all know ur just showing off for @taebear

jeonslunch @teabear i hope he burns in hell

taebear stop tagging me in all your shit then @jeonslunch

jeonslunch @taebear not a fuckin problem

taebear you are obviously having a hard time at it @jeonslunch

jeonslunch @taebear only cause you keep replying

taebear @jeonslunch i hate you

urhope i wonder how @mochi_cheeks survived today

mochi_cheeks @urhope i didn't


This book is about to be unholy




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