Outfit Fitting

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Grace's POV:

I pull out of my trance when someone puts their hand on my shoulder, I look up to see Blaise looking down on me with concern.

"Hey, you alright?" He asks me. I silently nod. He smiles. "Well, I just finished my meeting with my parents."

"How's was your meeting?" I ask him. He just shrugs.

"Like all meetings, boring." He replies. 

"Maybe they'll get more interesting one day." I reply with a shrug.

"Probably not." He replies with a chuckle, he pulls me into a hug and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Blaise!" A voice calls, we turn to see Ben. He points to his watch, Blaise looks down to his own and sighs.

"Look, we've got a meeting and we can't be late. See you later, we have our date later, remember?" Blaise says to me.

"Yep, I remember. See you at five." I reply. He smiles.

"Great, can't wait." Blaise asks, Giving me a final kiss goodbye and walks off towards Ben. I wave goodbye to him. So much has changed since Ben's coronation. Blaise has become Ben's Royal Advisor, I've started to help out in the museum, where they ask me to paint pictures of Villain and Hero alike. I paint them and then underneath they put their artefact below. For example, I've done a painting of the Evil Queen, and underneath is the magic mirror- donated by Evie- on display.

I walk back to school and go straight to my room

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I walk back to school and go straight to my room. As I enter, I move towards my empty canvas and start the next person asked of me, my father. As I paint, I can't help but feel some sadness. Even though he was a bad father, he still raised me. He kept me off the streets, he technically gave me a brother.

"Grace?" Some calls, knocking on the door.

"Come in." I call, the door opens and I look away from the painting to see Evie. "Hey, Evie." I say to her.

"Hi, I have an opening for a fitting now if you're ready." She says.

"Okay, sounds good." I tell her, putting down my pencil. Together we walk to Evie's dorm, where Mal is sitting on her bed. She's 'changed' a lot over the course of six months, she's used magic to die her hair blonde with purple tips, and she's been wearing 'lady' clothes. Which in reality are plain and boring colours, not her usual bright purple.

"Hey, Mal." I greet, she smiles at me then goes back to her homework.

Evie makes me stand on a podium, while she makes a dress around me. It's a beautiful red colour. I see Evie getting into the 'zone', and walking around the dress making adjustments and muttering things under her breath. I look at the design she has on some paper, and I look in shock, it's beautiful.

"Evie, the dress looks beautiful. It's a bit regal for me though, isn't it?" I say to her, gesturing to the drawing.

"Yes, well. Since you're also becoming a Lady of the Court, I thought regal was the way to go." She replies, then she admires her work muttering 'Impeccable'. She then looks back to me. "Especially since you'll become the next Queen in line for the throne after Mal."

"Hold on, since when was that a thing?" I ask.

"Since forever." She simply replies. I look over to Mal to see her looking as shocked as I feel. 

"Mal, don't die any time soon. I don't want to be Queen." I tell her. She laughs nervously. She then looks like she's debating to ask something. "What is it?" I ask. 

"Do either of you ever think about what we would be doing if we were back on the Isle right now?" Mal asks, I notice a look of longing in her eyes.

"That's funny." Evie absentmindedly replies, thinking she was joking. There is then some music from the TV, and then it comes up with Mal, Ben, myself and Blaise.

"As the two Royal couples, continue their tour of the kingdom, they dined with Aladdin and Jasmine. Six months ago, no one thought King Ben and Royal Advisor Prince Blaise and their girlfriends, from the wrong side of the bridge, would last. Mal and Grace must be counting the days until the Royal Cotillion when they will officially become Ladies of the Court." The reporter on the TV, showing different shots of Ben, Mal, Blaise and I. The pictures then focus on Blaise and I, this morning when he left to go for a meeting. It shows me waving goodbye, and then walking on my way.

Mal looks away from the screen and rushed to her bed, she pulls out her spell book and a book on how to be a 'Lady'. She reads a spell from the spell book.

"Read it fast at lightning speed. Remember everything I need." She incant, she then waves her hand at the other book. A small golden piece of magic swirls around it, and then she opens it and does exactly what the spell allowed her to do. Read it fast, and remember how to act like a lady.

"I know Mal's secret for fitting in, and I know Ben wouldn't like it one bit." Evie says to Mal, she just continue to read. "Haven't you guys had enough secrets between you already?"

"Evie, you remember what I was like before I started using my spell book. I mean, I was a complete disaster." Mal says.

"Well, personally, as your best friend, I believe that the spell book belongs in the museum along with my mirror." Evie says, picking up Mal's spell book. Mal gives her the pout. "Don't give me the face. Put the pout away, you know I'm right."

"But surely, because she's using the magic for good then it doesn't matter. She's only doing it to improve herself for Ben." I say.

"But it's still magic, and lying to everyone." Evie replies.

"You don't ever miss running wild and just breaking all the rules?" Mal asks us.

"Like stealing and lying and fighting?" Evie asks.

"Yeah." Mal replies, enthusiastically.

"No." Evie replies, as if it was the right and only answer.

"What?" Mal asks.

"Why would we? M, come here." Evie replies, taking Mal's hand and bringing her to her desk. "Look at where we are, we're in Auradon. We're Auradon girls now."

"Since Mal has admitted her love of strawberries, she has received hundreds of cartons from her admirers." The reporter says on the TV.

Evie squeals and pulls Mal and myself into a side hug. But I just can't help but feel like Mal doesn't belong here anymore. I can see it on her face when she thinks no one's looking. "See, this is the land of opportunity. We can be whoever we want to be here. Let's just leave the past in the past, okay?" We don't answer, she then looks at some red boots on the table. "I mean, look at the shoes. Look at them."

"Severe." Mal comments. Evie laughs, and as she turns back to us I see Mal hide her sad face and chuckle.

"I'm going to go and get ready." I say, the girls nod and Evie takes the dress off of me. I go back into my room and get ready for school, but for some reason, I just don't feel like this is the place is whole for me anymore, whether it's Mal getting in my head or me missing my brother, but there is something drawing me back to the Isle.

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