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Grace's POV:

Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and myself are walking through the school, getting to our lessons, when many girls are saying hello to Jay, flirtatiously.

"Why do you torture them?" Carlos asks. "Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already."

"I'm going solo, that way I can dance with all of them." Jay replies.

"Ah, you're the expert." Carlos replies, but I just shake my head. "But say you did want to ask someone, what's the best way to go about it?"

"All you've gotta do is look like me." Jay replies.

"Oh, ha ha." Carlos replies sarcastically.

"That's terrible advice." I tell Jay, putting my arm around Carlos' shoulder. "Just ask her straight up."

"That's terrible advice." Jay mocks. I look to him and roll my eyes. 

"Mal, Grace." Jane's voice says, making me look away from the boys to see her in front of the group. Carlos quickly removes my arm from his shoulder and steps forwards.

"Hey Jane." Carlos says.

"Hey." She greets in return.

"I was wondering... uh... if you liked the carrot cake last night?" He stumbles.

"I had the pumpkin pie." Jane replies.

"Oh, well..." Carlos stutters, but Jay saves him and pulls him away muttering 'Smooth'. Evie then walks towards Jane, where Lonnie has appeared behind her.

"I have an opening for a fitting at 3:00, who wants it?" Evie asks.

"Me!" Lonnie says before Jane could answer. "Sorry." She then says to Jane.

"I'll fit you in later." Evie says to Jane.

"Mal, Grace." Jane says, while the other two walk off. "I hate to bug you, but the decorating committee still needs more answers. So as much as I hate to, uh, you know..."

"Bug us?" Mal asks.

"Right." Jane replies.

"Yeah. Jane, we would love to but we just have to get to class." Mal replies, but she stops us from leaving.

"You know what, just nod if you like it." Jane says. She then goes through all the pictures on her ipad and we nod. "Chair swags, entry banner, twinkle lights, napkin design, table bunting, and you still haven't picked the party favours yet."

"Honestly Jane, whatever-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"I mean we can to keychains, charms, pen toppers. I kind of love the pen toppers but, I mean, we can do all three-" Jane says. But she cuts off when Mal's eyes change colour, turning to green. I feel mine turn golden as I try to calm her down. Jane looks in slight fear to us. I help Mal gain control and then we look back to her.

"I say pen toppers." I say.

"Yeah, definitely." Mal says.

"Yeah? You won't regret it." Jane replies. We chuckle.

"I can hardly wait to see what your wedding will look like." Lonnie says, coming up besides Jane, with Evie.

"Me too." Mal comments.

"Wait what?" I ask.

"The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged. For both of you." Jane explains.

"I knew it." Evie comments.

"Everyone knows it." Lonnie comments.

"We didn't know it." Mal replies.

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