The Talk

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A/N: Sorry it's taken so long to update, I've been attempting to change what I've already written to have Carlos and Grace getting together in the end. 

I hope that you like it and those who wanted Blaise aren't offended that I've changed it. 

Thank you for reading. 



Grace's POV:

We climb out the limo and walk through the grounds. I walk beside Evie, behind Mal, Blaise and Ben. I see that things are awkward and that she's close to breaking point.

"Ben! There you are! Cotillion's tonight. Come here." Jane says to him. Ben walks over and she says something to him.  Blaise awkwardly looks to me while Ben leans over to Mal.

"Do you want to cancel?" Ben asks.

"Um, you know what? I can come back." Jane says. "But, uh, like really, really soon."

"No, no, no, now's fine." Ben says. He looks back to the iPad before turning back to Mal. 

"Do whatever you need to do." Ben says to Mal. Blaise then looks to me .

"We should probably talk." He says to me.

"Why? So you can rip my head off again?" I reply. He sighs.

"Walk with me, please?" He asks. I look to the others and they nod. I sigh and walk with him. We walk towards the forest, and start walking through. "I wanted to say sorry, for the way I reacted and the way I've been treating you. It was wrong of me to snap at you, you've grown up in a place where lying is acceptable, and I jumped at you the moment you did. It was wrong of me."

"Maybe we should end things." I suggest. He looks to me in shock. "It's just, this has opened my eyes to how much a little thing has come between us."

"But we can move through it, I mean I moved past you putting me under a love-potion." He replies, my eyes widen.

"So, I should give you a pass just because you gave me one?" I ask, finding the idea itself ridiculous. "I know that giving you the love potion was wrong, I never wanted to. I never asked you to give me a free pass afterwards."

"But I did because I loved you." He replies, my head snaps to him.

"You just spoke in the past tense." I point out and his eyes widen.

"I didn't mean it like that." He replies.

"Look, let's just take a break. If we come out of it the other end wanting more, then we'll reconnect. If not then we can stay friends. Deal?" I ask.

"Okay, we'll do that." He replies. "You'll probably still be announced as a Lady tonight."

"That's fine. Just make sure your parents know." I tell him. He nods and then we go our separate ways. I walk back to my friends, while he goes back to his castle. As I come into the clearing, I notice they're all sitting on the floor. I raise an eyebrow but join in. I take a seat besides Mal and lean my head into her shoulder.

"What happened?" Evie asks.

"We're talking a break, if we come out the other side missing being a couple, then we'll go back to it. If not... well, we'll be good friends." I explain. They nod.

"If he doesn't love you for who you are, magic and all, then he's not the one for you." Carlos tells me. I smile to him.

"Are you alright Mal?" I ask her. She looks like she's about to cry.

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