See You Soon

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Mal's POV:

After my failed date with Ben, I rush to my room and change into my Isle clothes. I grab some paper and write a letter to my friends. My friends, they will be what I miss. I take off the Beast Ring and put it on top of the letter.

"I don't belong here." I cry. Stabbing holes into a box. I then go over and put mum into the box. "Let's blow this popsicle stand" I say to her, putting the lid on the box. But before I leave, I need to keep my promise. I need to go and see Grace.

As I get to her dorm, I hear crying from inside. I open the door and she's sitting by the window crying. I rush over to her.

"Grace?" I ask, she turns to me and I pull her into a hug. "What happened?"

"I- I went on a date with B-Blaise. He found out that we're using magic. He got so angry at me." She tells me. I stroke her hair.

"The same happened with Ben." I say softly.

"You're leaving, aren't you?" She asks. She looks up into my teary eyes and I nod. She nods in reply. "Please be careful, I assume we will be over to come and bring you back."

"Please don't, I won't come back." I tell her.

"I'll see you again soon." She replies. I roll my eyes but smile nonetheless. "Stay strong, Princess of Evil."

"You too, Best Friend." I reply. Tears come to my eyes as we share a final hug. I then climb away and make my way to the door. "Bye."

"See you soon." She says, making me chuckle. As I leave, I look back at Grace's window, and she waves goodbye. I wave back and make sure no one is there and climb onto my motor bike. I ride towards the water's edge and when I get there, I stop on the edge and look to the Isle. "Noble stead, proud and fair. You shall take me anywhere." I incant from the spell book.

"Please work." I beg, putting my googles back on. I then drive into the water and the bike bounces along the top, and finally gets through the barrier of the Isle. I smirk as I ride through the streets of the Isle, people having to dive out of the way of the bike. As I get to a street, I stop and look to a pillar to see two posters for the Royal Cotillion, one of myself and Ben and the other of Grace and Blaise. It's strange because there is graffiti all over them, except on Grace. I shrug and rip the poster of myself off the wall. I screw it up and throw it to the floor, then driving off to the hideout. I park the bike under the metal stairs and then get off and go towards the entrance of the place. I grab a rock and throw it at a sign saying: 'Danger, Flying Rocks'. The sign moves back with impact and the grate opens, I smirk as I make my way up the stairs. Back to where I belong...

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