Trouble in Paradise

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So recently Justin's step momster took his stuff so he hasnt been able to talk to me for over a week and we have been dating for 2 weeks now. I miss him so much when I wake up in the morning I think of him when I go to bed I think of him. I find my self thinking about him 24/7. I really hope he gets his stuff back soon cause its killing me.

So i just found out that Justin's father doesnt want us to be a thing, he says he doesnt like long distance relationships so he isnt allowing us to be together. Ever since I found this out I have been crying non-stop. It has been over 2 weeks since the last time I cut and today I snapped and grabbed my razor I sat on my bed crying and saying Hanna you cant do this your better than this, this needs to stop its going to work out he loves you. When I finally calmed my self down I went to bed I didnt sleep well that night I had to much on my mind. When I woke up the next morning I had a plan his dad needs to meet me and see how great we are together. I knew I had to find a ride I called everyone I could think of no one would drive me. Finally my cousin who was just diagnosed with lukemia said she was going to a appointment near where Justin lives and she could drop me off if I would like. Of course I said yes, the next morning was the day I would finaly meet the love of my life.

Fighting for FateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin