Special Treatment

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Hanna's POV

We walk into the gym and I sit next to Justin on the bleachers. I begin to look around and notice that most of the girls are all sitting together, Justin must have noticed that I was looking at them he grabs my hand and I quietly say "why am I the only girl thats sitting by the guys" he looks at me and says "well the girls here dont tend to talk to any of us those girls are known as the mean girls." I Look at him confused and say "o I just thought that maybe they separate the girls and guys for gym I mean all of the girls are on the other side of the gym and some of them are giving me weird looks." He turns towards me and says "actually they do separate us but my dad talked to the principal and they decided that it would be easier on you since you new here and your only going to beable to participate in gym for a month or so that you arnt separated from me and that we stay together so I can watch you and make sure your ok." I look at him and say "babe you didnt have to do that I would have been ok by my self" he shakes his head and says "no because the teacher for the girls group wouldnt allow you to sit out latter on when you shouldnt be doing this sort of exercises." I look at him confused and say "what do you mean" he says "well our the gym teacher well coach he likes to be called coach but anyways his daughter who is in the same grade as us just had a baby and he knows what your going through so he has agreed to let you do what ever you want just aslong as you are exercising." I look at him and say "o wow thats good so where are the teachers anyways." as soon as I say that they both walk in, the coach for the girls group looks sort of mean but then our coach comes over and we all look at him he looks nice. Justin
says to me "o and I almost forgot our teacher is also the track and cross country coach and he is like a father to me so he will be really understanding and he might play favorites with you and me." I laugh and the coach begins to say "most of you know me already but im Mr.Clark but you can call me coach" he tells everyone to start running laps. Justin and I get up to start running laps as coach waves at Justin and I telling us he wants to talk to us in his office. We both sit down in his office, he looks at me and says "so you must be Hanna Justin has told me so much about you." I smile and Justin says "coach I was telling Hanna about your daughter Chelsea and how she went through the same thing Hanna's going through last year." Coach looks at me and says "ya my oldest daughter chealsea who is your age just went through this. So that is why I made sure that you were in my class and im not going to force you to participate if you dont feel like it but I do want you to at least be doing somthing in class. I dont care if you just walk laps aroung the gym thats fine by me just as long as your doing something." I smile and he says "oh and I hope you dont mind but I told Chelsea about you guys and she wants to meet you." I smile and look at Justin who says "thank you coach for everything and isnt Chealsea in the girls group?" The coach looks at him confused and says is she really she didnt tell me what hour she had gym. Justin do you mind telling coach Samson that I would like Chelsea to come in my office." Justin gets up and goes and gets Chelsea, they walk into the office ad coach says "Chelsea I would like you to meet Hanna." She turns towards me and says "hi ive heard so much about you" I smile and coach says "Chelsea would you like to groups and be in my group with Hanna" She looks at him and says "sure I dont know anyone in my group anyways." The coach looks at us and says" well we should be getting back to class, oh and Hanna you and Chelsea can sit on the bleachers and talk if you want." I smile and Justin hugs me gives me a quick kiss and says "babe I have to go run laps I will be right over there if you need me you just stay here and talk with Chelsea." Justin walks away and we start to talk I look at her and say "hi im Hanna so what has your dad all told you?" She says "well told me about what happened with your parents and how your pregnant." I smile and say "ya I have my first doctors apointment after school, so Justin tells me you just went through this last year." She lets out a sigh and says "ya but I didnt have the support that you have" I look at her confused and say what do you mean what happened?" She says "well when I found out I was pregnant I told my boyfriend and he left me he doesnt want anything to do with me or our daughter Emily." I ask "so where is Emily now?" She says "when I told my parents that I was pregnant the were mad at first but then they decided that they would help me raise her and my mom is a stay at home mom so she watches Emily when im at school." I say "oh wow thats really cool that she does that for you." Chelsea looks at me and says "I know this is going to sound totally cliche but do you want to be friends?" I smile and say "of course I would" she smiles and says "heres my number if you ever need anything im here for you" I say "thanks." The guys are done running and they all go change Justin comes out and says "so how did it go" I smile and say "good I made a friend." The bell rings and Chelsea says oh and Hanna do you want to hang out sometime" I smile and say "sure I will text you." Justin and I walk to science and see that there are only 2 seats left and they are way acrossed the room from eachother. He notices that Jai and Luke are sitting next to eachother, Justin looks at Luke and Jai and they say "here Justin you and Hanna can sit here we will take the last empty seats so you guys dont have to separate." We sit down at the lab table way in the back of the room, the tables are tall and have drawers in them and we sit on stools. The teacher starts to talk she says her name is Mrs. Starleton but we can call her Mrs. Star. She starts going over the class room expectations when all of a sudden Justin reaches over and holds my hand Under the table. He pulls me my chair closer to him and wraps his arm around me I put my hand on his thigh and he holds my hand. Mrs. Star finishes going over the expectations and tells us that we can have the last 15 minutes of class to talk. Drew, who is sitting at the table infront of us turns around and sees what Justin and I are doing he smiles and says "aww you two are so cute together." I smile Mrs. Star leaves the room to go to the office to pick up something, when she leaves the room Justin leans over and kisses me passionatly we pull away and he smile and says "i've been waiting to do that all day" I smile and begin to kiss him again he licks my bottom lip asking for entrance I open my mouth and our tounges fight for dominance like usual he wins and it turns into a make out session. Suddenly we both forgot we were at school and when the bell rang we both stoped and pulled away and looked around no one was even payng attention to us. Thank go no one saw that, we both got up and walked to our next class which was lunch we sat down at our table and the guys come over and it by us. Beau sits down at the table and says "so how was science" Justin and I look at eachother and the guys just laugh, Justin turns to them and says "what." Drew smiles and says we all know about your makeout session in science" he pulls out his phone and shows us a video its a video of me and Justin making out in science. Justin grabs his phone and says "what the hell you guys you saw that" Drew laughs and says "ya the whole entire class was wotching and you guys didnt even notice." Luke and Jai laugh and say "you guys were really going at it too we all thought that if the bell didnt ring you would start to do stuff." We all laugh and the bell rings

*4 hours later*

The final bell rings Justin takes my hand and we get in the car Drew drives us to the doctors office and Justin and I get out of the car and walk inside. We sit down in the waiting room and wait for my name to be called. They call my name and we walk into the room the doctor comes in and says 'Hanna im going to have you pull your shirt up." I pull my shirt up and she puts the gel on my stomach its feels really cold, Justin holds my hand as she finds the baby she says "congratulations it looks like your about 2 months pregnant." After we leave the doctors office we go home.

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