First day of School

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Hanna's POV

My alarm goes off and I wake up Justin, we get up and get ready for school. Today is my first day at my new school, we eat breakfast, and Drew drives us to school. We get to school and Justin walks me to the office to get my schedule and locker number.We get my schedule and notice that we have all the same classes, Justin and I hold hands as we walk to class. We stop at my locker before class and drop off my jacket, we begin to walk walk down the hall and into our first hour class which is language arts. We sit down and Justin sits next to me the teacher starts to talk and Justin passes me a note. I open the note and read it "hey babe after class we have a 20 minute free period so im going to take you to meet my friends ok babe I love you" I write back "hey babe sounds fun cant wait and I love you too." I hand him the note, he reads it and passes it back I open it and read "babe r u ok is somthing wrong why r u holding your stomach, is there something wrong with the baby?" I write back "im fine I just dont feel good I think I have a little morning sickness thats all" I hand him the note, he reads it and hands it back. I read it and it says "babe all of your teachers know about your situation so if you need to go home we can leave. Im aloud to go with you and the teachers said that they would send anything that we miss home with Drew." I write back "I dont know babe its the first day and I dont want to miss anything" I hand the note back to him he reads it writes back and hands it to me. I open the note that says "ok babe if you feel like your going to throw up the teachers know that, that could happen so they know you might just get up and run out of the room. Babe if you need to throw up you can go ahead and leave I will be right behind you its ok." I write back "ok babe thanx", after I hand the note back to him I start to feel really nauseous and I get up and run to the bathroom Justin runs after me and runs in the bathroom behind me. I start throwing up as he holds my hair up and rubs my back saying "its ok babe your going to be fine I love you." Finally it stops and I start to feel a little better he holds me and I begin to cry into his chest when he says "baby dont cry its ok im here for you." I smile and kiss him he wipes away my tears and sees that my make up is a mess I notice it too and say "babe do you mind going back to the classroom and getting my make up pouch from my purse." As soon as I say that Drew walks into the bathroom with my purse and says "I had a feeling you were going to need this" I look at him and say "what are people saying about me in class?" He looks at me and says "well um Mr. Dawson basically just acted like nothing happened and people were basically just saying stuff like "what just happened" and "what was that about." I looked over at them and said its non of your business so dont worry about it." I get up off the floor and walk over to the sink to clean up Drew goes back to class and Justin helps me get cleaned up. When im all done fixing my make up he hugs me and we walk back to class holding hands, when we walk back into the classroom we take our seats as Mr. Dawson finishes going over the expectations. The bell rings and we walk to the cafeteria for our 20 minute break period, Brandon leads me over to a table where his l friends are sitting along with Drew. When we get to the table one of the guys say "Justin who is this pretty girl you have with you" I smile and Justin says "you guys I would like you to meet my girlfriend Hanna. Justin looks at me and says "Hanna these are my friends Jai, Luke, Beau, Sawyer, and Nolan." I say "Hi" and Jai "oh so Justin this is the girl you have been telling us about, you said she was pretty but I didnt think she would be this gorgeous." I smile and laugh, Justin hits his arm we all sit at the table talking when all of a sudden I start to feel nauseous again I let go of Justin's hand and hold by stomach. Justin must have noticed cause he looks over at me and the rest of the guys look at me too im holding my stomach and Justin whispers to me "babe r u going to be sick again" I nod and he looks over at Drew and says "we gotta go again we will catch up with you guys later." I get up and run to the bathroom with Justin running after me I start throwing up again as he holds me.

Drew's POV

Hanna just ran to the bathroom with Justin following behind her, I sit at the table with the guys and they all look at me and say "what the hell just happened" I look at them and say "well I dont think its my place to say whats going on." Soon Justin and Hanna come back and it looks like she has been crying they sit down and Justin is holding her. The guys look at him and say "what the hell is going on" Hanna starts crying into Justin's chest as he says "umm well its kinda a long story but ummm....." He pauses takes a breath and says "the reason Hanna is going to our school now isnt because she moved here its because she is umm...she's pregnant." The guys look at him and say "oh my god bro congrats" Hanna stops crying and looks at them Justin says "we dont really want everyone at school finding out just yet so please dont tell anyone." They all nod and the bell rings coincidentally we all have the next class together which is gym.

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