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Hanna's POV

Justin and I walk up stairs and see my mom sitting on the couch watching tv, I walk up to her and say "mom can we talk to you for a minute" she looks at us confused and says "sure whats up." We sit on the other couch holding hands and I say "um mom well ah this is hard to say but um....I-Im p-pregnant." She looks mad and says "get your stuff and get out your not alowed to live here you are no longer my daughter so pack your stuff and get the hell out." I get up and run down to my room crying, Justin runs after me I sit on my bed crying as he asks Ali and Drew to start packing up my stuff. He sits next to me holding me as I cry he says "baby its going to be ok your going to come live with me my parents wont care so its ok." We pack the rest of my stuff up and load it into Ali's dads truck that we are borrowing. I take one last look at my empty room and say "by old room im going to miss you." We all walk out to the truck Drew and Ali are sitting in the front and me and Justin are in the back. I sit there looking down at my stomach that I now finally realize has a little baby bump hardly noticeable but its there. I put my hands on my stomach and begin to cry Justin looks over at me and puts his arms around me placing his hands on my stomach. I start to fall asleep on his chest and drift off, soon I feel him kiss me and I wake up realizing that the car has stoped and we are now at Justin's house. We all get out of the car and start bringing stuff in the house, I start to carry a box when Justin runs up to me grabing the box and saying "no babe I dont want you lifting anything we will take care of this why dont you and Ali go inside and you-guys can start to unpack your things in the guest room." I nod and me and Ali walk down to the guest room we sit on the bed and wait for them to star bringing stuff down. Justin walks down with a box and sets it on the floor, I start unpacking everything.

*1 hour later*

We finish setting up our room and Ali and Drew leave to go back and get Drew's car and drop Ali off. Justin's parents get home and we go upstairs, we walk into the living room and see them on the couch. We both sit on the love seat and his dad says "why is Hanna here I thought you guys left yesturday" we look at him and say "we did but..." my voice starts to crack and I begin to cry again. Justin hugs me and says "dad, Jen we have something to tell you" his dad looks at himand says "Hanna's pregnant isnt she?" we both nod and Justin says "her mom kicked her out, its ok that she stays here right." His dad looks at him and says "of course she can and if you guys need any help with anything you can come to us." We smile and walk down stairs I look at Justin and say "did that really just happen I cant believe he was so understanding" he smiles and says "me either I thought he was going to be mad." I lay down on the bed and he sits next to me putting his hands on my stomach. He kisses me and pulls my shirt up kissing my stomach and saying "hello baby this is daddy, mommy and I cant wait to meet you, we love you already." I laugh and he says "do you want me to call and make you a dr appointment so we can find out how far along you are" I nod. He picks up the phone and calls the dr office, he makes me an
appointment for tomorrow after school.

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