December 1st

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---Sirius POV---

Sirius had been with almost every girl in the school. He was used to girls following his every move. He was used to desperate third years giving him spiked pumpkin juice filled with cheap love potions they had found at Zonkos. But for some reason, even the validation of most girls in the school wasn't enough for him. 

Sirius smothered jelly onto his piece of toast listening to James's morning rant.

"It's fifth year Remus!" James said, taking a bite of his apple, "I still have two more years for her to say yes to me."

"Try acting less like a git to everyone, and maybe she'll stop hexing you before you even get to ask her." Remus said, with a satisfied smirk.

"Maybe you could put in a good word for me, since you're her friend and all." James said with a cheeky, yet hopeful, smile. 

Remus rolled his eyes, "What do you want me to say? My best friend James is completely dateable and you shouldn't hex him everytime he comes near you."

"I have two bars of honeydukes chocolate for you if you do it."

"Fine, but if she hexes me for it, you're going to pay." Remus took a sip of coffee, "You okay Sirius?" Sirius looked up at Remus.

"I'm fine." Sirius said with a shrug.

"You're being awfully quiet mate." James said, with a concerned face.

"Just my usual morning thinking," Sirius said, with a smirk.

"Morning thinking?" Remus questioned.

"Yes, now James, when do we get to see our amazing prank in action."

"Any minute now." James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus looked at the great hall's doors hoping to see their brilliant prank work out as they always did. Suddenly a group of angry, red-headed Slytherins walked in.

"Red hair suits Malfoy don't you think." Sirius said, laughing.

"It definitely suits Lucius, but I think it suits Regulus even more." Remus said, taking another sip of his tea.

"He may be my little brother, but that doesn't mean he has to miss out on the fun." Sirius turned around as the group of Slytherins walked by, "Looking good Snivellus!" Severus Snape gave Sirius a glare as he and the other Slytherins sat down at their table.

"Now onto prank number two." James said.

"Why did we prank Lily again?" Peter asked, quietly.

"Because, nobody misses out on the marauders' fun, even if they are Prong's cru-" Sirius was interrupted from a large amount of giggling coming from Lily Evans.

"Wow, isn't today so great." Lily said through giggles to Marlene.

"JAMES!" Marlene yelled as the marauders got up from the table and started to run out of the great hall. "JAMES YOU GIT, FIX HER! I CAN'T DEAL WITH A HAPPY LILY EVANS!"

"Who said it was us?" James said with a playful grin as he ran after Sirius.

---Remus POV---

It had been hours since the two pranks had happened that morning. Remus sat reading Murder On The Orient Express, a book Lily had recommended to him. He couldn't say he was fully reading though, because there was Sirius in front of him, attempting to do his essay. Remus admired how Sirius played with his long, black hair while he was focusing. The way he bit onto his sugar quill, desperately trying to find the words for something.

"Moony?" Sirius said looking up. Remus quickly buried his face back into his book, trying to hide his blush.

"Yes Pads?" Remus said, trying to sound annoyed.

"I don't understand this."


"Help me."


"Please." Sirius gave Remus his doggy eyes that he had somehow managed to do, even when not in his animagus form.

"Fine, what is it?" Remus set his book down and sat next to Sirius on the red, Gryffindor couch. Sirius scooted closer to Remus and showed him the title of his essay, Blast-Ended Skrewts.

"I just don't get how we have to write about such boring creatures."

"So you want me to write your essay for you."

"No!" Sirius said, defensively. "I just want you to help me write it."

"Introduce them, talk about their weird diets and where they live, talk about their mating ritual because that's a really interesting thing and then close the essay. It's really simple." Remus said, opening his book back up.

"But I'm bad at writing."

"I'm not writing it for you."

"Please." Sirius gave Remus a pleading look which was met with Remus rolling his eyes. Sirius then hugged Remus from the side. "Please, Please, Please, Please" Sirius repeated over and over again. Remus felt his cheeks getting hot. Part of him didn't want Sirius to get off him but the other part knew it had to be done.

"Fine, but you owe me."

"OH THANK YOU MOONY" Sirius said dramatically and stuffed his essay into Remus's hand running up the stairs.

"GIT!" Remus yelled after him.

---Sirius's POV---

Why had hugging Remus felt so good? It felt like he didn't want to let go and like he was safe. Remus was always warm and always gave good hugs, but it had never felt like this. Ever since the start of fifth year, Sirius had started to notice things about the teen werewolf. The way his hair was always so perfect halfway through the day. The way his jumpers made him look soft and cuddly. The way he tapped his pinky on the table when he was nervous. Sirius walked into his room, thinking.

"Whatcha thinking about." James said, tossing a snitch up and down in his bed.

"It's...uh nothing." Sirius said sitting down in his own bed.

"Obviously not." James said, sitting up.

"It's so weird and I think you'll hate me." Sirius said quietly.

James suddenly went into a motherly protection mode, "Sirius Orion Black, I could never hate you and the fact that you think anything could make me hate you means it's important so you have to tell me right now."

"IthinkIlikemoonybutimnotsure." Sirius mumbled.


"I think I like Moony."


"What?" Sirius quickly looked up at James's smirking face.

"You hug him all the time, you'd kill anyone who hurt him, you are constantly staring at him, and you literally go into his bed when you have nightmares."


"How have you not noticed this?"

"I just thought that was friendly behaviour."

"Sure," James said, sarcastically.

"So what should I do?"

"Ask him out."

"I'm not going to ask him out, he'll hate me."

"I think he likes you, but suit yourself. But you better get together by the end of this year."


"I have a bet with Frank. He thinks it'll happen at the beginning of next year."

"You BET ON ME!"

"That's what best friends are for." Sirius jumped on James and grabbed the snitch from him.

"Give it back you git!" The two continued to rough-house like brothers until Remus and Peter came upstairs to go to bed. 

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